Negligent Collateral Collapse – Reprocess Segment Database Extender


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Negligent Collateral Collapse – Reprocess Segment Database Extender
Obscene Productions – 2002
By Russell Garwood

Czech band "Negligent Collateral Collapse" describe their music as Grind for NASA Physicists. With entire songs about black holes never releasing energy (learn about Hawking Radiation, guys), the band’s lyrics are definitely science-based, if patchy on actual knowledge. "Reprocess Segment Database Extender" consists of 23 songs of brutal grind/death; ultra-guttural vocals remind me of Sanatorium (i.e. they sound very much like a pig), while caustic guitars and blast-ridden drums create an extreme concoction. Bass is less apparent yet still audible, and the short cuts tend to comprise one or two main themes repeated for the duration. Tracks vary in tempo from mid-paced, grinding numbers to full throttle bludgeoning assaults, helping compensate for lack of variation elsewhere in the group’s music..

Occasional melody is a helpful addition in a sound which is largely inaccessible, aided by clearer production than is the norm for such music. Those who love the more severe forms of grind and brutal death will probably appreciate this greatly, but for the uninitiated it is one to avoid – the sheer wall of malevolent ferocity can become monotonous if you’re not a fan of the sound.