Neil Peart in New Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie!?!

Unca Kev

Bass Player & Music Pimp
Mar 17, 2004
Fort Lauderdale
I know that ATHF made an episode that was an homage to Rush, so it wouldn't surprise me that they'd want one of their members to in the new movie. But, I somehow doubt that Neil Peart would actually add his voice to this movie. He just seems to serious for that. And I can't take the creators too seriously either , so I'm thinking that this is a hoax. Am I wrong? Is he really in this movie?

Neil Peart is credited as a cast member here:

The trailer here:
He's been quite vocal about being in the movie. It definitely is not a hoax. If you go to his site I'm sure he has some more information on it.
Kev man WTF???

I copied you on an email months back telling you about this!

(you been working too hard.....:ill: )
I think that you're right...I have been working too hard. I don't even remember that bro. I didn't see anything on NP's website either. Well, this is really cool! If we can get a drum solo on there, maybe with them showing Meatwad play it, that would be great!
What makes you think it's not Neil's influence which resulted in all those goofy Three Stooges clips at the show (of hands)
I bet that you're right. But, he himself doesn't seem to get silly on stage or interviews, that I've ever seen anyways. I never said that he didn't have a sense of humor and can appreciate it. Besides, even if he does speak in the movie (and not just offer some drumming), he may be playing the 'straight man' role, while Master shake acts like an asshole. I somehow just couldn't see him being absurd or silly. I would like to be wrong though.
This is utterly retarded! But, it will give the show and movie some publicity.