nemtheanga on void of silence


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

"Your other project, Void of Silence recently called it quits. What are the reasons for demise?

No we haven't. It was a rash decision pretty much made without telling me; more or less more label shit and some of the guys in the band don't know how to deal with people telling lies. You can expect another album. I wont let bullshit get in the way of that band."


seriously though this is cool if it's true, 'cause i'd sure like to see another void of silence album?
this is good news. i know most here only have Human ANtithesis because it has nemthy, but Criteria Ov 666 and especially Towards the Dusk are worthy albums.

"label shit"? what the fuck is up with Code 666, if that's the label they are speaking of?
His accusing Code666 of lying and stuff is weird. But after all maybe he doesn't even mean Code but another label the band was planning to get along with... Anyway I had already written VoS off as history, I thought the two main band members were on to something new?
Void of Silence has put the kabosh on Nemtheanga doing vocals for their fall release. Apparently, A.A. Nemtheanga didn't show a strong commitment to the project and he received his pink slip Fed Ex'd to the states. Human Antithesis is a masterpiece, his vocals playing an instrumental part in making it the magnitude that it is. Fuck!
I remember listening to that on my ipod outside the Vatican a few years ago.

"This is where the dream ends"