Nenia C'alladhan

Claire's Horror

sperm monster
Oct 28, 2001
Monterrey, Mexico
has anyone heard this? it's a side project of Anna-Varney from Sopor Aeternus, working on original compositions by Constance Fröhling. so far I've found it awesome, sort of a more profound Soil Bleeds Black, but really enriched with the arreangements and subtleties of Varney. this is exactly the sort of emotional folk I couldn't find in Sopor's bombastic and exaggerated melodrama. I really, really like this record.
Just downloaded a few tracks, sound good :eek:)

Nice and relaxing stuff... But it lacks something...
Maybe the drive that most folkbands have....
This is more melancholic weird stuff :eek:) hehe

Thanks for the tip :eek:)
yeah, some songs are pretty long and the vocal structure is classical, though it's the arreangements what keeps the songs fresh and interesting, despite the lack of rhythmic variation. still I would have liked more intense parts, like the violin outburst at the end of "Die Stimme im Sturm", but the emotional level shown is still very refined, and I'm happy with it.

good to see at least one person cared to look for this band.
Originally posted by Blackspirit

mIRC, and I think there are some
soundfiles on the official site as well.... :eek:)

which channels (on which servers) are good for downloading mp3s, and do you have to wait in line for ages to get any?
Originally posted by avskum
which channels (on which servers) are good for downloading mp3s, and do you have to wait in line for ages to get any?

I'm usually on DALnet --> #mp3_metal (the longest
ques and the most "hairmetal") while #mp3_blackdeath
has some really cool grim music and the people serving
share around 5 slots. But of course there are ques....

Do the /list thing and you'll get all the channells, I
found some really good ones that way :eek:)