Nergal Builds Dog Shelter


Nov 13, 2008
Couldn't help laughing a little at this exceprt

Some guy for the protection of religious sects in Poland started name calling:

"After calling Nergal a criminal in a public interview, though, it seems that the Babylonian god from whom Darski takes his stage name had had enough. He took Nowak to court over his statements and won. The court ruled that Nowak had to make a public apology for his remarks, and pay Darski an undisclosed sum — one which he directed be made to a local dog shelter."

Dog Homes... The most metal thing to spend your money on... :heh:
Man, that Nowak dude, lives 30 minutes from my place.. And he's widely known as national fanatic-douchebag. His commitee published a list of satanic-pure evil-music bands which contains amongst other The Police, Limp Bizkit and Avril Lavigne :(
Just read the article, from how it's phrased it sounds more like he donated to one that was already built, rather than paying for the construction of a new one - still awesome though!
Man, that Nowak dude, lives 30 minutes from my place.. And he's widely known as national fanatic-douchebag. His commitee published a list of satanic-pure evil-music bands which contains amongst other The Police, Limp Bizkit and Avril Lavigne :(

Avril Lavigne is pure evil

Fucking cool about the dog shelter though!