Nervecell - Human Chaos


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Nervecell – Human Chaos
Nerve Damage Productions – August 26, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Without a doubt, what sets Nervecell apart from other bands that cling to the old(er) school of death metal is the fact that they reside in Dubai, which is located in the United Arab Emirates. Needless to say, both the aforementioned city and country aren’t known for exporting metal music all that often. In this case, however, Human Chaos is a tasty serving of no frills death that is actually a re-release of the ‘04 effort by the same name, but with a video of ‘Demolition’ as an added bonus.

Though HC adheres to the basic death metal template, this isn’t dumbed-down in any way, shape, or form. In fact, each musician – especially Madhavan (drums) – asserts his talents at one distinguishable point or another, if not many, but also refrains from going overboard. From the fast, double-bass-littered title track to the bass-heavy ‘The Darkened’ to mixture ‘Signs of the End,’ Nervecell display their chops with aplomb. While ordinary at times – nothing screams brilliance here – these five tracks should prove arresting to those who have an affinity for edgy death that isn’t slickly produced and/or delivered at a million kilometers per hour for the entire duration. A middle-paced composition like ‘Vastlands of Abomination’ is a good example of Bolt Thrower-esque precision and repetition, plus, near the end, there’s a guitar part that recalls early Opeth. In regards to monotony, though, ‘Demolition’ is somewhat dull due to lyrical repetition, and while the growls suit the music, at the end of the day, they’re average. Still, they are fitting for such beefy metal. The video isn’t special either since it’s merely a collection of live clips. But, for those who’d like to experience the band’s live show, here you go.

Overall, Human Chaos is a good EP, yet one that evidences room for improvement. Will Nervecell be able to captivate an audience for an entire full-length? We shall see. Either way, stop by their official forum and say hi.

Official Nervecell Website