Nerves Live

Dec 28, 2005
Hey guys,
I posted a similar message to this on the Steve DiGiorgio section of UM. This doesn't have to do with Opeth (or SDG) specifically, but how do you get past nerves live?

Being 14, I've only played live (alone) three times, and this is my fourth time playing live and second singing. I decided to cover Windowpane in the school talent show, and while my clean singing isn't that good, I've been complimented on my vocals for the song by quite a few people (Instead of trying to sing it like Mike does, I decided to sing in a doom metalish voice [think Candlemass, but a bit lower pitched])

The problem is that I was nervous to the point of shaking at auditions in front of about 10 people, and I'll be playing to about 300 people the day of the show. How do you get past this?
I always get nervous before playing, but when the time comes its such a blur and goes so quickly I don't even get the chance to be nervous. I'm usually just thinking about what the song means trying to get into it as much as possible, and just go with the flow, and I know thats not a useful answer, but its what happens with me!
get pumped up and go out there with the attitude you're going to knock them all speechless and then do it! it will pass with experience dude.

i have an inverse problem myself actually. the more people, the more confident i feel. small audiences are much more intimate, and i feel like all the eyes in the room are on me and it is much more trying on me.
Yup, from personal experience I know some shots of alcohol can help. Just don't get drunk or you'll fuck up, but even if you fuck up you're still drunk enough to don't give a fuck.

So yeah, my recommendation is booze!
worldwide_suicide said:
Yup, from personal experience I know some shots of alcohol can help. Just don't get drunk or you'll fuck up, but even if you fuck up you're still drunk enough to don't give a fuck.

So yeah, my recommendation is booze!

Hah, except I don't drink and I'm 14 :p
well.. then there's nothing you can do. You're a nervous person when your turn to play live comes. YOu have you deal with it for a couple of years until you get confident enough to don't care.

Which is not a bad thing at all, it can give you more maturity and expertise with time. There's nothing to worry about.
I think the only reason why I'm so nervous is because it's my first time singing cleanly with a live mic and holding a groove down on the bass at the same time. I did Death's "Philosopher" earlier in the year and wasn't nearly as nervous when growling, or when improving on the "go crazy!" section at the end.
just take it easy and have fun, even if you mess up everything. If your nerves won't let you enjoy it then you might try doing something else.

Just have fun and that's all there is to it.
This might not help...
I simply don't where my glasses. That way, I can't make out people's faces.
Then I just play something that sounds good to me and imagine that it pleases them.

I suppose getting drunk could have a similar effect :p
JoeVice said:
a friend of mine would take shots of before speech class and just wing his speeches. A+ speeches.

My speech teacher suggested that. Apparently it helps one be more "extemporaneous" or whatever that bullshit class teaches.:Smug:
JoeVice said:
a friend of mine would take shots of before speech class and just wing his speeches. A+ speeches.
i write all my A+ essays the night before they are due. I promptly go to my friend's place after printing them out and we play videogames or jam out until 5am. i find this to be a suitable method.

as for gigs, i really am not vibing with the get drunk thing. you're more likely to screw it up :lol:
NicholasDWolfwood said:
I think the only reason why I'm so nervous is because it's my first time singing cleanly with a live mic and holding a groove down on the bass at the same time. I did Death's "Philosopher" earlier in the year and wasn't nearly as nervous when growling, or when improving on the "go crazy!" section at the end.

You played Death's "Philosopher" at your school's talent show?

I would have gotten kicked out of school for playing something like that, plus all the hip-hop kids would probably have murdered our band. :lol:
Lietuvis said:
You played Death's "Philosopher" at your school's talent show?

I would have gotten kicked out of school for playing something like that, plus all the hip-hop kids would probably have murdered our band. :lol:

Well, I did it alone. But yeah, I played that. The thing is, and if I sound arrogant I don't mean to be, I'm kind-of a cult legend at my school. I have no clue why, but I am. So the reception to it, even with the growling, was great..
lol at being 14 and being a cult legend at school.

Don't get me wrong, it's cool, it's just that i can't help but laugh at thinking about it.