Neuraxis – Thin Line Between

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Neuraxis – Thin Line Between
Prosthetic Records – 22 July 08
by Ryan Starr


This is one of the few death metal releases that actually impressed me this year. Neuraxis have helped defined the destructively beautiful sound that comes from eastern Canada, and this latest effort has really pushed that sound to new heights. The typical technicality and brutality is there, just like every death metal band usually has, but it’s the melody that sets Neuraxis apart. It isn’t your typical Swedish style melody, it’s something completely different, it’s moving but still crushing. It’s this melody that removes Thin Line Between from the rest of the pack. The amazing writing isn’t the only great thing about this CD though. The vocals are top notch and the mix is absolutely perfect. You can hear every piece of every song, allowing you to really take in the complex riffing and wonderful use of harmony.

I’ve heard a lot of death metal this year, and most of it has been terrible, Thin Line Between is one of the best DM releases of the year.

Official Neuraxis Website
Official Neuraxis Myspace
Official Prosthetic Website
Great album. Technical, powerful and moving. You really can't go wrong picking this up.