never go to a high school reunion


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Apr 11, 2002
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we went to my 10 yr reunion this weekend, and it was a total waste. $60 for the two of us got:
- Bunny bread hamburger buns
- pulled pork bbq
- wilted corn (not on cob)
- cold pasta salad
- cobbler
- keg of bud light
- lemonade
- college aged cover band

then they actually got up and asked people for more money saying that not as many people came as rsvp'd. it was one of the most disorganized, painful events i've been to in a long time. the band was setting up while the person was announcing the need for more cash, and i would've hated to have been them (knowing they'd likely get stiffed). we brought them beer from the keg while they played.

my gf started going around to each table, feeding the goldfish in the centerpieces with bread. the entire crowd hung out near the cash bar (although everyone only drank from the free keg). something was set on fire (open tea lights and drunk 20-somethings = hazardous flammability - i also saw leopard print remnants in the ashes, so perhaps someone's undies were aflame). too many people were still bitter about crap that happened over 10 yrs ago and how their lives haven't changed enough. nasty.

so, we ditched at 9pm & went and saw a band one of my friends from town was in. he and i were in our first band together (The Craig and Eric Quartet- i have a tape someplace). He now plays keys/guitar in Funky Donkey Cheese, complete with small donkey mascot. Lots of James Brown, Parliament, etc, and they were pretty damn good. nice outside open air bar with like 3 lights working in the flashbulb sign. WAY better than the reunion.
everything they say is true. the girls are mostly skinnier and the guys have put on weight. 3.2% of the people changed so much you can't recognize them. most people have procreated. the most interesting people DO NOT GO. i wish i hadn't gone.

but at least i didn't fly out from san diego or houston like a couple people i knew did.
the mere thought of HS reunions make me depressed. It's bad enough I sometimes end up at parties with ex-HS cohorts that I don't want to see or talk to. hopefully the wedding I'm going to this weekend will NOT be quite like this. god, I hope not.
Novembers Paul said:
I blew mine off. I didn't like those people in high school, I certainly wouldn't like them now.
wouldn't your high school reunion be like a Who's Who in Chicago Metal - with representatives from ND, Scepter, and Usurper? i think it'd be hilarious if you all went together.
i would like to go to my high school reunion. i am fascinated to find out what happned to all the people i went to school with even if it is really depressing. or maybe i just want to make ymself feel better about the way i have lived my life.
i completely agree with Baliset. i'm sure a lot of the people who made me miserable have miserable lives now and Schadenfreude isn't always a bad thing.

unfortunately, our high school closed four years after i left, so there's no reunion committees or desires or anything. so it ain't going to happen, probably.
I'll go to mine wihtout giving them any money (they blow $4000+ each on security cameras and don't even consider air conditioning), just walk in and say fuck you to everyone. the few people that are worth talking to I'll keep in touch with.

Of course, I don't graduate until 2006... :lol: