Never meet your heroes


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
They say you should never meet your heroes, because the experience may be a disappointment. Personally I'm always worried people I admire will turn out to be arseholes, so I tend to do not much more than ask for a photo or signature if I meet musicians or sportsmen.

So, have you ever been disappointed after meeting someone you previously admired?
Well I've met Dave Mustaine three times, and he turned out NOT to be an arsehole (to me at least), so maybe I was disappointed by that. I can't say I've ever been disappointed by meeting someone I've admired, but I have a story about someone who did. Years ago I was mates with the drummer for Henry's Anger, who was a massive TOOL fan. He had an amazing collection of their stuff, including every single t-shirt design that they'd put out at the time. During their 97 tour he ended up getting to meet them. I saw him a bit later and he'd switched from wearing TOOL shirts all the time, to Maiden ones. Why? "I had the displeasure of meeting them [TOOL] when they were out here, and they were the most arrogant fucking arseholes I have ever met."
not heroes of mine but I've never really met a male Australian sports star who wasn't an utter fuck-knob
especially footy players -but more AFL & NRL than Rugby players

met George Griegan in passing and he was nice but rushed, being hassled by other fans once they noticed him (this is when he played from the ACT Brumbies)

other than that, haven't really met anyone who've I've considered a true hero of mine

had the pleasure to met Terry Pratchett and embarrassed myself in front of him by getting the names of his artist wrong (confusing the current with the one who died a few years ago) but he was witty and charming over that mistake
even though I only spoke with him long enough to get a book signed for me and one for my mum, he was a truly decent bloke who gave time for his fans
Met Brian May and Roger Taylor from Queen a couple of times, both absolutely charming and very generous with their time. Roger was leaving the fanclub one time and asked me whether I had his new single. I didn't, so he gave me a copy and signed it. :)

Michael Caine used to come into the camera store I worked in. Lovely man.
Yeah I think I would generally follow the rule, more to keep them on a pedestal and not humanise them than fear of them being arseholes.

Also, everyone has off days. I'm a pretty friendly guy but probably come off as a prick to people on occasion for one reason or another. If a celeb is short with you, it doesn't necessarily mean they're a shit person.

I had the opportunity to chat to Jeff Martin from The Tea Party at a very low key gig in Oslo one time, but kept my distance for said reasons. Can't think of another instance off the top of my head.

These things said, I think Brucey might be my exception. He could tell me to fuck right off and I'd love every second of it. :lol:
I think maybe Marilyn Manson might be another, I find him so interesting and wouldn't mind him being a jerk.
Well I've met Dave Mustaine three times, and he turned out NOT to be an arsehole (to me at least)

Funny... I found Mustaine to be a complete cunt. I've never known anyone to be such a total dick about signing a guitar and have since sanded his signature off it. Screaming Jets vocalist (his name slips my mind at the moment) is a total cock too. Edu Falaschi (Angra) was friendly enough but still a bit of a "rock star" douche bag and basically don't leave anything near him that resembles an unfilled vagina unless you want him to root it.

Tommy Emmanuel, Brett Garsed, Ian and Gareth from Alestorm and Steve Morse are is easily the only 'big' / successful musicians I've ever met who still seemed really noticably genuine and down to earth.

I think I would still feel 100% confident in saying the biggest arsewipe of a 'role model' out there is Axl Rose and I still look forward to the day where he storms off stage 10 minutes into a set, trips over his own feet and ends up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
Met VP at the first round of Hellyeah touring a couple of years ago, him and the whole band are champs, spent a couple of hours on the piss with them, same with Gleeso and the boys from the Screaming Jets, got on the piss with them only a couple of years ago at my local after they played there, was fucking awesome.

Matt Kelly the drummer from The Dropkick Murphys was a real let down the first time I met the band, I thought he was an absolute cunt and told the other band members so...One of 'em even signed my hat with such a note. Next time I met them though he was really fucking hospitable, bad show the first time round I guess.

Beyond that, the people I have wormed my way into seeing have been brilliant, and really respectful/happy to see a fan eager enough to sneak into a green room, or get to a pub they were at
I don't think anyone "famous" I've met or interviewed has been a total dick. It's refreshing when you're expecting them to be a dick and they turn out the exact opposite haha.

I only met Mustaine very briefly, but he was great. I didn't have anything to get signed so asked if I could get a photo with him. He said "Sorry man I'm not doing photos right now, but I'll sign anything you've got". I stuck my hand out and said "I've got nothin', man but it's great to meet you". He shook my hand and went "Well turn around man lets take this photo!". Thought that was awesome of him.

Actually Glenn Tipton I thought was a bit of a dick when I interviewed him, but I also suspect he was probably jack of doing interviews about their new album and I was just on the wrong end of that frustration. Halford was the polar opposite. Totally laid back and cool and happy to just chat.

I was shitting myself before interviewing Steven Wilson from Porcupine Tree because of how he comes across pretty arrogant sometimes, but that interview was one of my absolute favourites. He was super nice, very keen to talk and just an awesome guy.

I've spent a decent amount of time hanging around with the Dream Theater dudes and they're all just the greatest. Even had a couple of actual chats with Myung haha.

Got absolutely obliterated with the dudes from Edguy, total rad dudes.
Coolest 'meeting' was Roger Glover in 2001.
Spent a few hours in his hotel room in Adelaide with another bloke just drinking and chatting.
He was very open about everything and went it to great detail on his feelings towards Ritchie Blackmore and the early Purple days etc... Cool dude.
haven’t been let down, Met Ian Gillian, Steve Morse and Roger Glover, admittly at a Sign up a Utopia, they were all perfect Gentlemen and I was nervous as hell, made a Joke with Steve Morse about signing over Ritchie Blackmore pic in my 1984 PERFECT STRANGERS tour guide, which I replied that I wouldn’t tell Ritchie to which Gillian and Glover PISSED themselves...

Meet Doro Pesch in Japan Last Monday night, I was too overwhelmed to speak (pissed Sanj said) She wanted a look at the 1990 Metal Hammer mag that Sanj got her to sign. Sanj and her had a great old chat I just stood there like a big lump...
Apparently Venom's Black Metal was the 1st HM Album that DORO Pesch brought, Sanj had a Venom T Shirt on.....
The only ones I've met are Blaze, Bruce and Nicko - all charming guys, Nicko even knew of me which was nice of him. Bruce and Blaze had no fucking idea :lol:

Oh, and I spoke with Janick on the phone once - again, great guy so I still feel a bit bad every time I slag off his playing... but just a bit :)
I forgot about meeting Doro and her band. They were super awesome. They all gave me kudos for wearing a Blue Oyster Cult shirt started asking me where I got it. I'd bought it years ago at Utopia, which is where we were at the time!