Never Surrender!

Air Raid Siren

Maidens' Vox
Apr 26, 2004
My City Of Angels
This isn't a politically motivated thread - I just wanted to acknowledge the courage of the people and send condolences to the victims and their families of the terrorist bombing in London. I was so saddened to hear of it.

I found the broadcasts of Tony Blair's comments to be very moving and in some ways eerily similar in his vocal inflections to Winston Churchill's famed "never surrender' speech we all know and love from the Aces High intro.
They are nothing but a bunch of rotten bastards! Hoping that these reptilian bastards have an ounce of kindness in their evil minds is like kissing their butts as some suggested is like holding out a chicken to an alligator with your bare hand; may the terrorists burn in Hell.
My heart goes out to the people involved. My anger goes out to the bastards who think these actions help "the cause"... when in fact it does the exact opposite. That's nothing but chickenshit asswipes doing the work of even more cowadly chickenshit asswipes who teach hate only to make themselves more powerful.