Neverboard USA Presidential Election!

Who would YOU Vote for?

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Zob Rombie

Fuggin GURU
Oct 21, 2002
Cherry Hill, NJ
Who would YOU vote for to be the next President of the United States?

[Doesn't matter if you are from the US or not... just vote and state your opinion]
Nader, totally.

But if not him, Kerry.

i would not vote for kerry. something about a fairy tale of socialized health care and tax cuts just doesn't work for me... gotta be able to fund all these "plans" kerry claims he has, and tax cuts are not going to do that. no, i sadly feel a change of leadership would not make a single thing better at this point, we're in too deep. i think all the candidates suck this year, its a waste of an election... seriously, is bush or kerry the best we got? i'd include 3rd party in that if they were worth a damn, but they aren't either... wish colin powell would run :mad:
But but....I'm from Texas!

I'm voting for Bush, out of hatred for Kerry. I grew up with the Bush girls, and he was always nice to me, so it's somewhat of a personal thing too. I don't really believe *one* person can run things better than another, so it doesn't matter to me. I don't want to look at Kerry's melted drooping face for 4 years, or hear his foreigner bitch wife. My parents actually got rid of our Heinz ketchup and buy Hunt's now, they're funny :tickled:
BlackwaterNymph said:
But but....I'm from Texas!

I'm voting for Bush, out of hatred for Kerry. I grew up with the Bush girls, and he was always nice to me, so it's somewhat of a personal thing too. I don't really believe *one* person can run things better than another, so it doesn't matter to me. I don't want to look at Kerry's melted drooping face for 4 years, or hear his foreigner bitch wife. My parents actually got rid of our Heinz ketchup and buy Hunt's now, they're funny :tickled:
i grew up in Plano, i supported Bush the first time he ran for Pres... i don't support him as much now, but Kerry is an assclown.
Nader is becoming such a whore, no one should vote for him. He blatantly accepts any money from the republican party (Who actively campaigns for him), then turns around and bad mouths both parties and the political system as a whole. Id vote for Kerry if I could because bush frightens me with his fundamentalism and lack of common sense. Then again it dosent matter because the chaos ensuing the election will most likely reach catastrophic proportions.