Neverlady, did you...

No. Upplands Väsby is sacred... :grin: Or... Wait a minute. You gave me an idea... Should I ask C's parents to come with me? They live there too... (What is more C was born there and lived there for a long time...)
LOL My God, I've been living in Stockholm since I moved to Sweden... It's just like... I dunno. People say they live in Stockholm if they live here where I do. I do actually not live in the entire Sweden as it is... I guess I'm never gonna get up north again in my life for instance... But then again... Who knows? It was beautiful and Norway is even nicer than Sweden is and whatever... LOL

(By the way... We are also planning on moving and getting a bigger apartment...)
nice solution to the problem (?)... :Smug:

I still don't know if we're going, the hotels in the 10th district don't cost air, and we're very :erk: at the moment financially (bought a TV yesterday, for cash).

and I thought Tumba wasn't in Stockholm as I found it on the map, but not as a part of Stockholm.
It is not in Stockholm, but people say it anyways because if I meet someone for instance and I say I live in Tumba, he or she wouldn't know where it is. But Stockholm is a bit bigger. And it is very close anyways.

Yup. I am going to Denmark and then to Hungary, then back to Denmark. Will travel to Kopenhagen 21st (when Nevermore is here, in Stockholm) and will go back to Kopenhagen from Hungary 4th (and Nevermore is there 5th). So that is it I guess... Funny.

Hey, at least you have a tv now! Don't worry, knowing you everything's gonna be fine!
Neverlady said:
Hey, at least you have a tv now! Don't worry, knowing you everything's gonna be fine!
err, and that means...? :err: :lol:
yeah, animal Sony it had to be, it's almost as big as our room. :loco:

as for the gig/s, it's not written in stone, for you to meet :D them.