Neverlady, merry x-mas!!!

yes, it is us. don't worry, the pic will leave soon. hehe
N-lady, if you want I'll make you a nice pic for the avatar. people here are thrilled (*whispering: I have some other too. :rock: :loco: LOL )
Originally posted by Tee
N-lady, if you want I'll make you a nice pic for the avatar. people here are thrilled (*whispering: I have some other too. :rock: :loco: LOL )
Yes, please.... BUT NOT FROM THIS SCARY PIC, OK? :lol:
You are not writing to me. :s
The pic is not scary, it's just en-face-arrested pic. :D

Well, all of them will be scanned, from the Buda and of course you'll get them. As for the other, like Agi Pici Kiszlany, the bastards from the IT deleted/lost all of them. :bah:
NoLord, check your PM box for further info.

Neverlady, this is a mess, and I cannot avoid being worried, as it is a bit too much. :s :ill:
Originally posted by Tee
NoLord, check your PM box for further info.

Neverlady, this is a mess, and I cannot avoid being worried, as it is a bit too much. :s :ill:

Hey, I just got to the computer now... Wanted to send you a quickie before I start writing the letter... :)

I know the pic is not scary, at least you are not scary on it.... :)

NoLordy --- Thanks! :blush:
Well, doesn't matter. I was scared the first time I saw it. :grin:

However, it seems kinda ............ possible that you'll write me a letter? :err: :err: :err: :ill: LOL
Originally posted by Tee
However, it seems kinda ............ possible that you'll write me a letter? :err: :err: :err: :ill: LOL
Hmm... Actually I am writing a letter to you now... Would be writing if you didn't interrupt me with your posts... :grin:
