Nevermore Fog Machine


the kinder, gentler me
Jan 1, 2005
I was fortunate enough to land a gig filming the Jaxx show on Saturday night. Man, how lucky could anybody get? One day, I'm stressing to find a ticket to see the sickest band there is - then the next day, I'm the friggin' cameraman for the upcoming DVD!!! I had a great time hangin' out with these dudes, and if you don't know already, these guys are very cool to be around. I think that the best part was as I was leaving, Steve hollers "Hey...", so I turn around and look at him and he gives me the \m/ and goes "METAL"!!! I replied, \m/ "METAL". That fuccin ruled!!! Thanks for a killer time metal bros!!! \m/ \m/


Van gave us the fog effect for dramatic impact.

p.s. I'm wearing a pony tail BTW.