NEVERMORE Forced To Cancel Appearance At Earthshaker Festival

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
NEVERMORE Forced To Cancel Appearance At Earthshaker Festival
Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2006 at 06:59:31

NEVERMORE were forced to cancel their Saturday, July 22nd appearance at this year's Earthshaker Festival in Kreuth, Germany. The band was initially due to play around 7:00pm but their arrival was delayed and festival organizers switched them with DEATHSTARS for a 1:00am appearance following headliners VENOM. Unfortunately, an electrical storm brought the festival to a complete halt shortly after OPETH's 8:00pm set ended, pushing performances from EDGUY and Venom back an hour. Rules regarding a curfew have been cited as the reason for the cancellation, but rumours are now circulating that bassist Jim Sheppard injured his shoulder at the Metalcamp Festival in Tolmin, Slovenia the day before (July 21st), thus forcing the band to cancel.

figured a Nevermore thread could do some good
hmm... interesting thread, must say.
Jim didn't have an injured shoulder till late in the evening. who knows what happened later, right...
go Nevermore! :kickass:
We absolutely did not can cancel Earthshaker, we arrived late, and having previously arranged to change our set time we were ready to play and were told at the last minute because of the storm we could not play, apologies to any fans that came to see us, we were there and really wanted to play.
Oh come on...
Edguy and Venom played that night. They're performances were delayed for one hour because of the storm.
So you could have played from about 2 a.m. till 3 a.m.
The festival promoter made an announcement after the venom gig, explaining that you don't want to play because of the storm and jet-lag or something like that...
Noumenon1987 said:
Oh come on...
Edguy and Venom played that night. They're performances were delayed for one hour because of the storm.
So you could have played from about 2 a.m. till 3 a.m.
The festival promoter made an announcement after the venom gig, explaining that you don't want to play because of the storm and jet-lag or something like that...

Personally I'd choose to believe Warrel.
Don't know what to believe.
All I know is, that I am really disappointed, because Nevermore was the main reason for me to visit this festival.
But for sure, one side does not tell the truth and it would have been possible for Nevermore to perform.

Noumenon1987 said:
Don't know what to believe.
All I know is, that I am really disappointed, because Nevermore was the main reason for me to visit this festival.
But for sure, one side does not tell the truth and it would have been possible for Nevermore to perform.

I've seen the guys do really really short sets, and I've seen 'em perform in front of a ridiculously small crowd. IMO, WD's statement is prolly the accurate one, since it conforms with past behaviors.

But disappointed? Shit, yeah -- I'd be really disappointed, too. Sorry you missed 'em.
You can believe Warrel!
Nevermore was also my main reason to go there and i know that the Band wanted to play. The Festival delayed on Friday nearly 2 hours so they had a lot trouble and the advice from the town to end latest at 2am.
A big Fuck to the Earthshaker Crew because they know it before Edguy begins that there was a time problem but instaed they speak with all Bands to make shorter sets, the two "Headliners" played the complete Set and Nevermore where kicked out.
I can't belive it... last year Bang Your Head 20Minutes because of the Storm and now completely kicked off :(
Noumenon1987 said:
Oh come on...
Edguy and Venom played that night. They're performances were delayed for one hour because of the storm.
So you could have played from about 2 a.m. till 3 a.m.
The festival promoter made an announcement after the venom gig, explaining that you don't want to play because of the storm and jet-lag or something like that...
ok, do you really think we would drive all the way from Metalcamp in Tolmin to Kreuth just to tell them we would not play? We were all at the festival ready to play and we were all disappointed that we could not, they told us there was a curfew at 2 a.m. and to play after this time was not possible, believe me, if they would have let us play we would have
Sentient 6 said:
ok, do you really think we would drive all the way from Metalcamp in Tolmin to Kreuth just to tell them we would not play? We were all at the festival ready to play and we were all disappointed that we could not, they told us there was a curfew at 2 a.m. and to play after this time was not possible, believe me, if they would have let us play we would have
Well, I didn't/still don't know all the facts (e.g. the curfew thing).
And your arguments are probably the better ones.
Noumenon1987 said:
Don't know what to believe.
All I know is, that I am really disappointed, because Nevermore was the main reason for me to visit this festival.
But for sure, one side does not tell the truth and it would have been possible for Nevermore to perform.

Did you get to see Edguy?
If so, the festival wasn't a failure at all.