Nevermore on Howard Stern?!


Aug 30, 2001
I was just listening to the Stern show, and they went to commercials. About halfway through, one of them was a 'live commercial' with Howard (you know, the ones where they try to make it sound like what Howard is talking about is really on air) talking about a new movie Without a Paddle. Basically, he was just talking about how funny the movie is, bla bla. Towards the end of the commercial I noticed the music that was playing in the background was the solo section of a song from Dead Heart in a Dead World. I can't think of exactly which song, but I know it was from that album. Pretty cool shit.
someone said inside 4 walls was on rush limbaugh
I heard them using Nevermore in a live Tower Records commercial yesterday. I'm having a brain fart and can't think of what song though....
Is Christy actually on the show regularly yet? I've flipped it on a few times just to look for him and haven't seen him.

And wouldn't Inside 4 Walls playing on Rush Limbaugh be hugely ironic?
his job is in teh back room to do something they only bring him into the broadcasting room sometimes usually noton the tv show becuase they only take a 30 min clip from a 5 hour show =P
Matt Lee said:
Is Christy actually on the show regularly yet? I've flipped it on a few times just to look for him and haven't seen him.

Listen to the radio show, he is on quite often actually.

@Dead fetus-I heard this today, I beleive the song is Heart Collector.