
Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Comments on the new one?

It's supposed to be pissed off and fast and stuff.

Has anybody heard it yet? All the reviews are saying the production sucks. I can't believe that. Nevermore has always had great production.
very nice album altogether. Remastered version sounds 10x better and the songs are fucking brutal.

-Addition: upon furthur listens there is noticible parts with very muddy production. It does draw away from the overall quality a bit, but i still think the song writing is very excellent.
Markgugs said that it could be a top ten contender for 2003 - he managed to get a copy at the album release party with Nevermore in Seattle a couple of weeks back. However, he did say that the remastered version wasn't that significantly different to the raw mix...but hey, we were all drunk waiting for Maiden and I had half a burger in my mouth at the time not really paying too much attention since I still need to be sold on Nevermore, heh.
Nevermore never appealed to me. I've seen them live twice. The first time ws with In Flames. Nevermore put on a decent show, but couldn't gather my attention long enough to pull me away from the bar.

The second time was with Opeth. THey certainly had more stage presence than Opeth, but the music wasn't all that good.

The band's biggest problem is that they are boring.
Dreamlord said:
The band's biggest problem is that they are boring.

I've heard several people say the same thing (including myself), but then they saw the band live and were turned forever....obviously not in all cases then.

Thing is, I'm sure we find them boring for totally opposite reasons. I like searing harmonious vocals and bendy melodic/exotic guitar solos in my power metal. You just hate clean vocals and melody. :D
Ok, I went and bought the cd yesterday....

What in the fuck?

The production sucks ass.

Produced, engineered and mixed by Kelly Gray.

Guess what Mr. Gray? We can tell!

You suck. Stick with Candlebox cds.....

Let's see his track record now... he's fucked up a Dokken record, completely destroyed Queensryche and now has tarnished the sound of Nevermore...

Jesus, what were they thinking?

There is no way this cd will make my Top 10 of 2003, and this is one of my favorite bands....

Everything sounds dry and muddled, not crisp and clear like all of the Neil Kernon productions....

Someone at Century Media needs to be shot. :mad:
General Zod is the biggest Nevermore fan I know...and even he was indifferent about it. But I think a lot of people thought the early downloads were unmastered quality, when at the end of the day they were the final product.

Does it really sound that atrocious? Wow.
I don't think it's that atrocious, but I certainly wouldn't call the production good. It's definitely bad, and it takes away from what should be a very good album. Hopefully I can learn to live with it (the production that is).
My theory on the production is exaplined above, although in his incompetence Kelly sabotaged these intentions...either that or he left Nevermore to their own devices. And the unacceptably short running time is another distraction, and some tracks feel underdeveloped...but as we all know, when Nevermore finds their target, which they do on numerous places throughout the album, they are unstoppable...

...but what do I know, I'm still buzzed from Maiden last night. :)
The album sounds just fine, and it quite indeed kicks fucking ass.

If you ask the band, it's supposed to sound that way and was done on purpose. While in Germany, I happened to grab the remastered version with bonus DVD, and it honestly doesn't sound all that different. Maybe a touch cleaner, but that's about it.

Whatever the case, the album still fucking rules. Oh yeah, and by the way, they're already confirmed to be returning to Wacken for 2004. :headbang:
markgugs said:
The album sounds just fine, and it quite indeed kicks fucking ass.

If you ask the band, it's supposed to sound that way and was done on purpose. While in Germany, I happened to grab the remastered version with bonus DVD, and it honestly doesn't sound all that different. Maybe a touch cleaner, but that's about it.

Whatever the case, the album still fucking rules. Oh yeah, and by the way, they're already confirmed to be returning to Wacken for 2004. :headbang:

All I want is cleaner....
Why they would choose to release anything else, unless it is commercial suicide to hurt the label...

The album is growing on me though. That being said, it doesn't even come close to their last few. However, their worst is better than 99% of everything else....

I'd be hard pressed to include it in my Top 10 of 2003 at this time.
Don't see it happening...
There are all sorts of contractual obligation theories, but the fact that they have been working on the songs for close to two years blows holes in that theory...although some would argue that they chose not to perfect them. I need to hear the EOR material performed live to fully judge.
won't be in my Top 10... and probably not my Top 20 either... and I love Nevermore... this album is a huge freaking disappointment for me... and it goes beyond Kelly Grey's wretched production... the vocals sound like ass and the songwriting just isn't there... the songs just aren't as good as they were on previous albums...