

Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
Putting all things with Billy out of the picture...what is the general opinion of Nevermore?

I love power metal. I recently downloaded their latest album,This Godless Endeavor, after hearing such rave reviews. What a disappointment. This is crap of epic proportions. Jeff Loomis is nothing to speak, another guy who can sweep pick...snore!

Anyway...I was so pissed off at this purchase that I wrote this review on RateYourMusic if anyone is interested:

"Godless indeed! If there is a god, he would not have allowed this album to be recorded...or at least he would have mercy on us and destroy every copy. This is an incredibly overrated album from an equally overrated band. This sounds like a cross between a heavy Queensryche and Mr. Roboto...Kilroy was here...and left holding his ears! From beginning to end, this sounds like one continuous track broken up by an occassional acoustic interlude. I'm glad I only spent 10 bucks to download this crap from iTunes, but I'm angry I spent even that much!

Jeff Loomis is an overrated guitarist. He possesses technical prowess, but lacks the emotion and sense of melody of a true guitar hero. I've heard him compared to Yngwie, which is ludicrous. As for the singer, Rob Halford didn't sound this queer on his gayest day. Sure these guys can play, but there is a serious lack of melody, hooks, and excitement that are the integral ingredients of power metal.

Don't waste your time or money...for this album is truly a godless endeavor."

Just curious if anyone else here has an opinion.
I too have a soft spot for power metal. Cant say i was all to impressed with their latest effort.

As for some total kick ass power metal get EdGuy - The hell fire club and Evergrey - Recreation day
Loomis is the real deal. He grew up near me and I have seen him play many times. Belive me, he can do more than just sweep. If your into death metal I can send you a copy of his old band Experiment Fear. Totaly brutal shit. It's still one of my favorate's since '92.
Salvatore said:
Loomis is the real deal. He grew up near me and I have seen him play many times. Belive me, he can do more than just sweep. If your into death metal I can send you a copy of his old band Experiment Fear. Totaly brutal shit. It's still one of my favorate's since '92.

I'm not saying he's not skilled...what I'm saying is power metal needs more excitement...melody, feeling...his soloing on this last effort is very flat...this isn't death metal, but I would like to hear him playing in a situation where he would shine.

The whole band is skilled...but the album sucks and doesn't come close to living up to any hype I read about's a waste of money.
MyHatred said:
That you didn't pay;)

Nevermore are very overrated and I just don't see what all the hype is about:puke:

I paid 10 hard earned dollars for that piece of shit...overrated is an understatement. I also really don't see what's so special about Loomis. There are a lot of great guitarists out there and he's not doing anything I haven't heard before and with better execution.
Oh, I thought you downloaded it for free.

I have heard about 5 or 6 songs and I was pretty amazed at how awful they sounded. That sucks that you paid to download the songs because you can only delete them and not sell them back to a used cd store
gaschamber said:
power metal=the metal with no power.

a great example of classic power metal is Priest's Painkiller...that's a huge sounding album...stupid fucking lyrics, but a fun album none the less. Great performances, huge guitar sound...Tipton really stepped up his technical skills for that one...good shit!

Symphony X has some good stuff too...until they get too bouncy and flouncy with tra la la keyboards and castles and wizards and all that silly shit.

Power metal, heavy metal, speed metal, metalcore, grindcore....whatever the fuck you want to call it...I hate all these little sub just helps bands that suck fit into their own little speciality and seem good in that genre.
MyHatred said:
Oh, I thought you downloaded it for free.

I have heard about 5 or 6 songs and I was pretty amazed at how awful they sounded. That sucks that you paid to download the songs because you can only delete them and not sell them back to a used cd store

Nah...I got rooked. I actually paid to torture myself trying to stomach that entire album to find one shining moment to justify spending 10 bucks on myself and not my kids...but to no avail.
schenkadere said:
a great example of classic power metal is Priest's Painkiller...that's a huge sounding album...stupid fucking lyrics, but a fun album none the less. Great performances, huge guitar sound...Tipton really stepped up his technical skills for that one...good shit!

Symphony X has some good stuff too...until they get too bouncy and flouncy with tra la la keyboards and castles and wizards and all that silly shit.

Power metal, heavy metal, speed metal, metalcore, grindcore....whatever the fuck you want to call it...I hate all these little sub just helps bands that suck fit into their own little speciality and seem good in that genre.

priest is great, but symphony x? come on....anyways...i totally agree with you on the sub-catagory topic, i think its stupid as fuck, but the only catch is that nowadays saying "i like metal" can be taken SO MANY different aint like back in the early 80's where it was just shit like slayer and metallica. thanks to all these cocksuckers like atreyu saying theyre metal makes it very difficult and complicated for true metal mufuckaz like us.
gaschamber said:
priest is great, but symphony x? come on....anyways...i totally agree with you on the sub-catagory topic, i think its stupid as fuck, but the only catch is that nowadays saying "i like metal" can be taken SO MANY different aint like back in the early 80's where it was just shit like slayer and metallica. thanks to all these cocksuckers like atreyu saying theyre metal makes it very difficult and complicated for true metal mufuckaz like us.

Right...this core, that core...give me a break...I mean, mathcore...what the about algebracore and biologycore.

I'm really not a Symphony X fan...they do have a few good heavier tunes I found for free...I wouldn't but an album. I'm sure it would piss me off as much as this new Nevermore or the new Children of Bodom I just bought, listened to once and gave directly to my 15 year old son. Alex Laiho should have his vocal cords snipped. In the immortal words of Frank Zappa...Shut up and play yer guitar. They consider that Black metal?...why? sounds like it would be right at home on Headbangers Ball along with the rest of cookie monster growling or death metal screeching clones. I don't get them at all. Laiho is a good guitarist...again, there are millions of good guitarists...there's nothing ground breaking or earth shattering going on there that I can find.
MyHatred said:
Children of Bodom are Village People metal:D Now there is yet another metal genre to add to the list

I have to agree with you...they're not as big, tough and dark as they think they are. They're good musicians too, but it's not much good if you can't actually listen to it.

The metal world is very depressing at the moment.
gaschamber said:
i like COB, i gotta get the new one. i dont consider them black metal. theyre just metal to me...pacman metal with their keyboards hahaha. but im glad you brought up ZAPPA... hes the fuckin man.

I just can't warm up to them. Between that screeching and that keyboard makes me nuts!

Yeah, Zappa is the tits!
Wow, I said the same thing when I first heard them after they released Dead Heart in a Dead World, there were a few moments on that record that stood out. Until..... I saw them live. I originally went to the show to see Shadows Fall, But god damn,When Nevermore came out and played.... It reminded me of seeing seeing slayer the first time, not in the musical sence, but the power of the show, the way the music was played. When Nevermore records their songs, they lose almost all the feel that they put into a live show. Its sad really.

I wont buy their albums but I have drove along way to see their shows.
I am hesitant to listen to any power metal- I hear that name and automatically think of a bunch of German nerds fighting over who gets to be dungeon master. I only picked up The Godless Endevour after reading nothing but rave reviews. The band lived up to their name: "Nevermore" will I listen to that musical excretement. And Loomis does nothing for me.
Saucy_Jack said:
I am hesitant to listen to any power metal- I hear that name and automatically think of a bunch of German nerds fighting over who gets to be dungeon master. I only picked up The Godless Endevour after reading nothing but rave reviews. The band lived up to their name: "Nevermore" will I listen to that musical excretement. And Loomis does nothing for me.

Thank really is horrible...long and horrible. The reviewers were obviously stoned, drunk and deaf. I want my $9.99 back!