NeverWorld Fan reviews

Okay, here goes. I'll make this a little more in depth than my last one.

I have had the album since Friday and have listened to it five times already. (Maybe I need to get out more!! :D ) Yes, it really is that good.

Wings of Forever was a great debut album with all the signs pointing towards a very bright future for this band. By the time I had seen the guys play 'Temple of Fire' and 'Edge of Time' live I could hardly wait for the release date. I knew that I had to have the Japanese version and hear the whole CD as soon as possible.

The album kicks off in awesome fashion with the anthemic 'Neverworld' which has the makings of a live classic and a great chorus. Up next is 'Temple of Fire' which is quite possibly the most catchy Power Quest tune yet. 'Edge of Time' has a great hard rock feel and instantly became one of my favourite tracks when I heard it Live so I knew what to expect from this one. 'Sacred Land' is another catchy and has that classic Euro power metal sound. I actually found myself humming this one at work. The odd ballad is essential in every power metal album and 'When I'm Gone' is a particularly good one. If you have the Japanese version you can hear Sabine Edelsbacher of Edenbridge singing this one as a bonus track aswell. Both versions are actually quite different too. 'For Evermore' has possibly the best chorus on the album and is certain to become a favourite among fans. Next is 'Well of Souls' which is yet another impressively catchy song and 'Into the Light' continues in similar fashion. The closing track (at least on the European version) is an epic that last almost 11 minutes. This features Alessio duetting with the delightful aforementioned Sabine Edelsbacher. Just as the title track opens the album perfectly, this closer does exactly the same. It's not a song you would expect to hear from Power Quest but approach with an open mind and you have what is one of their best and most original songs yet. Another bonus track on the Japanese version is 'Find the Way to the Top' which is a great melodic hard rocker that really hits the spot. Great stuff!!!

So, you have probably guessed by now that I love this album. It's a definite progression from Wings of Forever and if the guys carry on at this rate then World domination is just around the corner. I have not been this enthusuastic about a power metal album since Winterhearts Guild from Sonata Arctica. This ought to receive some great press when it surfaces in the UK next year and the guys deserve it. You won't find many better melodic power metal albums than this one.

Score 9/10
Aye well to begin with I'd like to congratulate Steve and the rest of the Power-Quest crew on doing a rather good job on the new album.

Neverworld is a superb album. That's it, that's all that needs to be said. It's just simply damned good....

Oh alright I'll go into a bit of detail:
To begin with the album kicks in with the same Power-Quest feeling that we all know and love. But there is a slight difference, perhaps a new keyboard synth? A slight change in the equalization? I don't know but it certainly seems to add a certain atmosphere in which you can lose yourself. The song itself shows improved guitar sounds and improved vocals and a damn well written song to boot. Quick, powerful, catchy...all of the things that Power-Quest is trademarked for, and the original Power-Quest piano work at the end is a magnificent touch. that an eighties feel I sense?? It is!! The eighties live again!! I'm afraid I will have to go against the grain and say that Temple of Fire is the worst song on the album. (Not a bad worst song to have, it's still damed good.) Edge of time - Wonderful keybard synth and a real bounce a long song. Then 'Sacred Land' - You've got to love the speeding vocals in this track, an excellent blend of speed and the power of a call to arms.
Ah and then the Ballad - I must say, though the previous ballad 'Immortal plains' was powerful and soul lifting, I found it difficult to listen to as often as the rest of the songs and found I wanted to skip it to get to 'Follow your heart'. 'When I'm gone', however this song never tires. With such atmospheric music and heart wrenching vocals, you feel more uplifted every time you hear it. I think I agree with the statement above about For Evermore. An absolutely immense song and for me ties along with 'Glory Tonight' from the first album. With lyrics and music that seem to fit so well it'll bring a smile to your face no matter what the weather.
My patience wears thin now as I'm desperate to get onto talk about 'Lost without you'. So regretfully I am going to skip 'well of souls' and 'into the light' and talk about my favourite song on the album. 'Lost without you' blends together speed, and a steady ballad all in one. Switching from a melancholy verse to a powerful chorus that certainly grabs your attention. This song also contains the best vocals on the album with Sabine and Alessio combining perfectly as if they were kindred spirits. And by the gods I love that eighties sound. That keyboard sounds so damned good. The bass is also noticeably superb in this song more than others, adding a nice, deep sound that forces you to nod in appreciation.

All round I had my doubts as to whether the music from the first album could be matched. I liked the first one that much I honestly couldn't see it being beaten. But both my girlfriend (You remember Jess son't you Steve?? Yeah we're back together hehe..) and I were damned astounded by it, so well done lads...I'm looking forward to hearing some of these songs live.

Keep on rockin guys!!

And on that note