Neverworld Reviews

Young Guitar magazine

The second album transferred and released in the label of melodic metaler of
The Arthemis group of Italy(vo&g), they are on the register in two bands,
and two of three guitars secede.
the once regular drummer also takes the place after album completion... and
it may be able to be said that the thing a Steve Williams(key) who is the
band founder wants to do although lineup is not stabilized easily became
much clearer than a previous work.
Like DRAGONFORCE of a same province, it is fullness of speed tune and a
bright melody, a melody of catchy improves, the melodic hard sound of pop
rock is shown a little.
New style melodic speed metal is completed here... ? (by TAKA OKUNO)

Burrn magazine

The second album of a British melodic power metal band, of the keyboardist
which was on the register when DRAGONFORCE was a name of DRAGONHEART is
formed in a center.
A vocalist is the man who had sung by ARTHEMIS of Italy.
Although the guitarist of the present DRAGONFORCE was also on the register
at the beginning, it is at the time of the first album released last year,
and the present guitarist(ex ARTHEMIS) had already joined. It is a band with
clear performance power, and, as it is, the vocal of a high-pitched tone
vocal can also be sung perfectly. Also in the a piece of music side, the
fresh pop feeling of a keyboard is harnessed everywhere. It is not mere
"typical melodic power", the person whom such music likes has the value to
hear. (by KAZ HIROSE)

Well, it seems as though my predictions about this band have come true. I
stated in the review of their previous album Wings Of Forever, that Power
Quest was the sort of band that although are part of an over saturated genre
of speedy melodic power metal, their music, vocals and musical talent show
the sort of promise that truly great bands are made of. The only thing that
the band really needed improvement with was in the songwriting department.
The band certainly has sharpened their songwriting skills with this new
album, Neverworld, due out early next year on their new label Now And Then
Records. I recently got a hold of the newly released Japanese version to
>From the very first track, Neverworld (Power Quest Part II), I knew I was in
for a real treat. With it's neo-classical intro and Sonata Arctica
speediness, the song has all the elements of a great melodic power metal
song; excellent riffing, a great soaring chorus and a few progressive
elements thrown in for good measure. The rest of the album flows solidly
from track to track delivering some of the best melodic power metal that
I've heard since the classic Helloween days and more recently with Sonata
Arctica's Ecliptica album a few years back. Yes my friends, this album is
really that good. The soaring style of this band with the riffs, sprinkles
of keyboards and melodies that rival even the masters of this genre, Power
Quest has certainly made their mark on the metal scene with this album. The
speediness, melody and vocals bring the listener back to the Michael Kiske
era of Helloween and the big epic choruses and trumpeting keyboard sounds
remind me a lot of the Freedom Call sound, especially on their Eternity
album from last year. A couple of tracks are more mid-tempo and have an AOR
melodic metal sound and they really come at the right time. An entire album
of speedy, happy songs can get a bit monotonous at times even for the
biggest fans of this genre. When I'm Gone is a wonderful and heart-wrenching
power ballad and Edge Of Time with it's Van Halen Jump style keyboard intro
develops into a killer mid-tempo melodic metal song.
The progressive side of this band makes appearances throughout this album
but really stands out with the final track Lost Without You. With an opening
clean guitar riff that sounds very familiar to Mylo(Perimeter Walk) from
Marillion's Misplaced Childhood album, the song moves to heavier passages
with a Scorpions style chorus and Sabine Edelsbacher (Edenbridge) makes an
appearance to duet with lead vocalist Alessio Garavello. This 10 minute plus
opus has everything from driving and heavy passages to speedy sections with
Helloween muted style lead guitar. The Japanese version has 2 bonus tracks,
Find The Way To The Top, a song originally recorded years ago for one of the
band's demos and Sabine Edelsbacher makes another appearance singing solo on
her version of the song When I'm Gone.
The last time a speedy melodic power metal album affected me like this was
Freedom Call's Eternity album and before that, Sonata Arctica's Ecliptica
and Stratovarius' Visions album. Every track on this new album is solid
start to finish and all have the type of catchy, memorable choruses that get
stuck in your head for days on end. Power Quest may not be the most original
band in the genre but they have improved immensely from their last album and
have mastered their craft. Fans of classic speedy melodic power metal along
the likes of Helloween, Sonata Arctica and Freedom Call should not hesitate
in picking this one up. It comes highly recommended and may even be in my
top 5 of the year so far. Amazing job guys!!!!
Aye it certainly seems that some people have vented quite a bit of anger in that debate. Well I suppose when people argue and insult like that then it is difficult to even call it a debate. Especially when it all rests on opinion! What I find confusing is that if you don't like a band/genre then why follow it? If I don't like something, it sits in my CD rack and gathers dust. That's as far as it goes.
Blimey, everyone should take a chill pill i think :) Imo if you don't like something (within the Metal World i hasten to add ;) ) don't listen to it. Unfortunately there are even a few brits out there who enjoy slaggin homegrown talent, it's sad when the metal world is still a very small one compared to the pop one. It's a bad sign when the power metal crowd start "in" fighting.
Some of those comments are pretty unjustified. For a start the production sounds great to me. The vocals fit the music perfectly and overall it's a very strong album.

Fair enough, there will be differing opinions and it would be pretty daft to assume that everyone is going to love the album as much as I do, but why be so harsh, especially the guy who admitted to not hearing the album but simply assumed it was going to be crap!!!

It's difficult to tell whether these people have heard the album or not but I'd be willing to guess that most of the people who posted negative comments haven't listened to it yet.
Symphony said:
There's a rather full on debate about the new album over at underneath the review itself. Have some of these people actually heard the album or do they just hate power/melodic metal? Or is it just us? hehe!
Glad you can take it on the chin, Symphony. To be honest, I think it's a disasterous state of affairs within the metal underground with the amount of whinging that goes on.

People state opinions as if they're fact (even when they've never heard the music!!- unbelievable), there are WAY too many bandwagons that people climb upon, and most importantly, the fans forget that the musicians do this all for what they truly love - with no agenda of making any real $$!

Of course people will dislike some of it, and they're entitled to voice their opinions, but I always respect those that justify their arguments moreso than the 'fans' who just go round slagging everything & looking for reactionary debate.

So is PQ in talks with Wacken for a slot next year yet? \m/