...made this...still love it...
"Vergessene Pfade" will be out on October 20, 2006
The recordings for NEUN WELTEN's debut album "Vergessene Pfade" in Klangschmiede Studio E with Markus Stock have been finished.
The album portrays the way on paths that seemed forgotten for a long time, passing, with wandering gaze, the mighty mountains and their barren rocks, endless misty scopes and deep dark woods, where the paths lead to Midsummer where the way finds a new and hopeful beginning.
The lavishly designed Digipak will be released on October 20, 2006.
Tracklist "Vergessene Pfade"
- Valg
- Walden
- Nebelland
- Nahend Zauberwald,
- Auf kargem Fels
- Svartalfheim
- Midsommer
- Tamtrollbach
- Jötunheim
- Heidenacht (live)
"Vergessene Pfade" will be out on October 20, 2006
The recordings for NEUN WELTEN's debut album "Vergessene Pfade" in Klangschmiede Studio E with Markus Stock have been finished.
The album portrays the way on paths that seemed forgotten for a long time, passing, with wandering gaze, the mighty mountains and their barren rocks, endless misty scopes and deep dark woods, where the paths lead to Midsummer where the way finds a new and hopeful beginning.
The lavishly designed Digipak will be released on October 20, 2006.
Tracklist "Vergessene Pfade"
- Valg
- Walden
- Nebelland
- Nahend Zauberwald,
- Auf kargem Fels
- Svartalfheim
- Midsommer
- Tamtrollbach
- Jötunheim
- Heidenacht (live)