New 456 Recordings website

Sick! I've been following your work for a while now. I love the studio layout, you look much different from how I though you would look.

Also, I dig how on the site, the head links switch as you scroll through the page. My only criticism is that when you zoom out (control + scroll wheel), the background floats to the left and everything else stays centered.
you look much different from how I though you would look.

:lol: wtf
Nice touch on having a mobile site (granted I had some issues navigating but it might have been phone-related). I'm diggin' your live room set up. I bet those high ceilings help a ton.
Man, I love these one-page layouts, but I can never seem to find any pre-built themes like this that actually work well, and don't cost a fortune/are part of a bigger library with themes I don't need. :(