New Abnormal Thought Patterns Video! Please check it out!


Dec 7, 2002
Thanks to all of you on here who supports. You're the best and the new Album will be released on iTunes tomorrow. CD format June 14th for Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Finland. June 17th for the Rest of Europe and on June 25th for North America.

Download "Manipulation Under Anesthesia" now on iTunes: or order from,


ATP video

Bay Area instrumental wizards ABNORMAL THOUGHT PATTERNS have revealed the official video for the track "Velocity and Acceleration: Movement 7" taken from their new album "Manipulation Under Anesthesia"!

Video editing and production done by Wayne Joyner of The Ghost Network

"Manipulation Under Anesthesia" is set to be released June 14th in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as digitally world wide on June 14th, physical release in the rest of Europe on June 17th and on June 25th in North America.

The Elk cover

"All who consider MESHUGGAH a higher power
should down-kneel here!"

"If music would be motor racing, ABNORMAL THOUGHT
PATTERNS would be driving on the first position!"

"Pure joy!"

"Absolute Purchase Recommendation!"

"Follow my humble advice: do not miss the chance to listen to this record."
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Listened to it, loved it, ordered it. Should be getting my copy of ReEvolution any day now too.
Ahh, more guitar porn just like The Machine Within video. Love it :P Finally got around to ordering the new album today. Can't wait.

Hey Jasun, I have another gear question if you don't mind. Have you tried the new EMG 57 or 66 yet? (both have 7-string versions) I think your Manne has a 707 (85) in it, right? You're one of only a few guitarists I know of who actually get good organic tones from EMGs, others being Paul Masvidal from Cynic and Tymon from Exivious. Paul at least has switched over to the 57/66 having used an 85 in the bridge for a long time--curious as to if you have an opinion on the new pickups as I may try a set myself at some point.
Hi Farren and hope you're doing great man!

I have an 81-7 in the the Manne. I like it a bit more than the 707.

I do need to check out the EMG's you listed man. I just got an 8 string and got the 808X which I'm digging on.

Thanks man for all the support and keep SHREDDING my bro!

Thanks man, I am! You with an 8-string is one of the scariest things I can think of :P Can't wait to hear what kind of insanity that results in.
Well this is bizarre... Just got my copy of the new album and Electric Sun 2.0 is missing. Tried listening to or ripping it in a few different applications and it's just not there. Quintessence is the last track on my disc at #10. I can't find anything about it being a non-NA bonus track or anything. I guess I'll keep my eyes open for someone to inevitably pirate it and upload the FLAC somewhere... I could grab the MP3 right now, but I don't think it would do it justice. I never spin actual CDs, so it's not really a problem.

Edit: Just shot Lifeforce an email about this. I'll update when they respond.
Well this is bizarre... Just got my copy of the new album and Electric Sun 2.0 is missing. Tried listening to or ripping it in a few different applications and it's just not there. Quintessence is the last track on my disc at #10. I can't find anything about it being a non-NA bonus track or anything. I guess I'll keep my eyes open for someone to pirate it and upload the FLAC somewhere... I could grab the MP3 right now, but I don't think it would do it justice. I never spin actual CDs, so it's not really a problem.

Yeah, same here too. All the tracks are listed on the CD cover but only 10 tracks on the disc. I compared the track lengths and thought one or two may have been merged but they matched up without Electric Sun 2.0.

I ended up buying it from iTunes cause it's a great song and I support the band but a little disappointing. I just wonder if they're aware of it. Great cd though, don't mean to complain too hard or anything.
Just got a response from Lifeforce:

"Unfortunately it was production error and the wrong master was used, but you
can download the song as WAV file here:"

I guess not too many people have noticed yet besides us as most probably bought it on Amazon or iTunes in digital form to begin with... I'm just glad they uploaded the track as a .wav and not something lossy :P

Just got another followup from LF:

"It is the whole inital pressing, no subsequent pressing so far. You can spread the link also through the forum if you want."

So it's every hard copy out there :/ Oh well, at least I have the whole album now.
Awesome, thanks for the link! Yeah that's very cool that it's a .wav file too. Good to see that it's getting taken care of. I'm really digging this as well as the new Cynthesis!

I might try to head up to SF and see them this weekend, have a family thing going on earlier but I'm hoping I can make it.

Thanks again!

Sure thing. I'd love to catch a show if I didn't live a couple thousand miles away from the west coast heh... Hopefully someone uploads some good footage like that of the Rooster's show on YouTube.
Thanks for letting people know about this Farren. Yeah Lifeforce felt really bad about it and mistakes happen so I understand. The people of Lifeforce are very cool and that's great they sent you the link man.
It's definitely an unfortunate mistake but personally I'm not too bummed about it. I have the S/T EP anyway and I feel the original version of Electric Sun is superior. It has more of that electronica type of stuff that I consider to be one of the best things about ATP. You should totally have more of that stuff in your tracks in the future.
That's cool you let me know man as we want to have a good amount feel and moods in ATP.

The reason for doing Electric Sun 2.0 is I never thought it felt finished with the first version. I played bass on the first version as I wanted Troy's playing and feel solo on the track (the first time out). For me it mean't a lot to have Troy's sound on that track. Even if it's minor in the end..... I'm not a very good bass player.

Thanks man!
The printing problem is no big deal in the end... I haven't had the CD out of the case since I first ripped it to FLAC. :P

Electric Sun seems a little bit empty to me now that I've heard 2.0. I definitely prefer the newer version personally. The original Electric Sun also has a crisper sound to the mix. I prefer the more balanced, subdued high-end of the MUA album in general (all those treble frequencies can lead to ear fatigue), and Electric Sun vs Electric Sun 2.0 is good grounds for comparison. Now I'm off to learn the insanely cool theme from Movement 8. :P