New album info, french video clip & ancient mp3

As for the music itself, the material we're working on covers the whole gamut from laid back acoustic sections to furious blastbeats, so you can all look forward to a diverse and challenging offering.

Oh, yes! That sounds interesting. As does the plural studios - what might these be? Fredman is still one, most likely, but what about the other(s)?

I have the old version of ADA already, but for those who haven't heard it and want to know what kind of stages DT-songs might go through in their evolution to final album-versions, I recommend listening to it carefully.

Yes, the thing of various studios certainly seems very interesting. I wonder how the next album will turn out... Yay acoustic sessions!!! Let's hope there's something ala "Mine is the Grandeur". This new album would be quite interesting.
@Villain: But wasn´t Character as well recorded in studio(s) (with at least on being a part of another)?: Fredman, Room and the Rogue Music (which has something to do with Martin if I remember it right).

Acoustic guitars are most welcome. Definately promises something very good about the material. Only thing we need now is to combine their ever-living sound to the one´s on drums - I suggest the recording crew rethinks the microphone settings etc. on them.
Naku ist krig said:
@Villain: But wasn´t Character as well recorded in studio(s) (with at least on being a part of another)?: Fredman, Room and the Rogue Music (which has something to do with Martin if I remember it right).

Ah, yes - I just count the Room as part of Fredman and don't think of Rogue Music as a proper studio. And the way Niklas mentioned the plural made me think they'll probably experiment with some new studios.

Villain said:
Ah, yes - I just count the Room as part of Fredman and don't think of Rogue Music as a proper studio. And the way Niklas mentioned the plural made me think they'll probably experiment with some new studios.


The Room, isnt that their rehersal room? I think I read something in an interview they did for Character...I might be wrong.
but different real studios,y eah that sounds interesting. Anyway I hope they dont choose Dug Out. The IF albums that have been produced there sound terribel(Drums!!!)
Thanatos said:
I think I'm missing something very obvious, but I can't find the download link for ADA :s
It's on one of those totally worthless MySpace pages, you have to wait for the Flash bullshit to load and then click the "download" link, it's last in the list
Ah Erik, you can render my notice obsolete ;) But do take my advice for the rules into consideration...
Erik said:
It's on one of those totally worthless MySpace pages, you have to wait for the Flash bullshit to load and then click the "download" link, it's last in the list

I hope that the new album will be very experimental, modern and innovative, with a huge amount of electronics and synth-keys and a lot of experimentation from the guitars.
However, I don't dislike a return of acoustic pieces, but I prefer an album that watches over and not in the past (but a song with electronics/acoustic combo could be very interesting).

Doesn't matter if prog (REAL "progressive" music), electrometal, experimental industrial, alternative etc etc. just something of fresh, live, innovative.

(sorry if I did mistakes with my English but I'm falling asleep on the keyboard)