New Album Mix (better than the last one!)


New Metal Member
Jun 4, 2008
Hey dudes! Some of you might remember my last post ( - I'm actually about to remix this completely), most of you won't as I'm a nobody around here :p

ANYWAYS, our drummer scored us some air play on a local radio station in Oxford UK, so I had to knock up a few tracks for a sampler CD. This one's my favourite mix out of the three, and personally it's the best mix I've done so far. I know, I said that last time...

'Frozen' by As Gods -

Once again, be honest :) I put loads of work into this but I'm a goddamn perfectionist so help me!

And again thanks to everybody that contributes to this awesome forum. I always pay it forward and share my knowledge with fellow budding Audio Engineers but one day I promise I'll contribute myself!
I think this version sounds quite a bit better dude. The cool effects during the clean intro are cool!

thanks man! i just stole stock FX from logic pro to be honest with you! (it was our bassists idea, he tracked it i just mixed it)

i'm still not 100% with this mix, i've gotta stop getting overexcited and posting them early, but i put them up on soundclick for the rest of the band to hear :p