new album??


The Beast Within
May 31, 2002
New York
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I don't know if I'm missing something, but I can't find anything on the Maiden's official site about the new album or when it comes out. Isn't the tour supposed to be in support of the new album?

nafnikufesin said:
Given that the tour's supposed to be in support of the new album, one would hope it gets released sooner than September, but until we hear anything official, who knows when it will be released.

Well i read somewhere the album is to be released in September, once the "Give me 'Ed" tour finishes, and just before the proper "world tour" starts.

I think the band are purposely holding back on releasing the album, so they don't release it at the same time as Metallica. Also, going out on tour for a couple of months prior to it's release, i think they are hopeful after playing a couple of new tracks on tour will build up major excitement prior to it's release and see it do well in the charts.

If Kevin Shirley has finished the mixing and mastering, it shouldn't take nearly 4 months to get it on the shelves. Things like artwork, would already be chosen, tour dates is taken care of by Smallwood, promo interviews etc can be booked well in advance. I see no reason for it's released being delayed on purpose other than for commercial reasons.

I hope it rocks after the extended wait.
Everyone knows that the official Maiden site is the last place to look for Maiden news.

Try Blabbermouth.
The_Prisoner said:
Well i read somewhere the album is to be released in September, once the "Give me 'Ed" tour finishes, and just before the proper "world tour" starts.

I think the band are purposely holding back on releasing the album, so they don't release it at the same time as Metallica. Also, going out on tour for a couple of months prior to it's release, i think they are hopeful after playing a couple of new tracks on tour will build up major excitement prior to it's release and see it do well in the charts.

If Kevin Shirley has finished the mixing and mastering, it shouldn't take nearly 4 months to get it on the shelves. Things like artwork, would already be chosen, tour dates is taken care of by Smallwood, promo interviews etc can be booked well in advance. I see no reason for it's released being delayed on purpose other than for commercial reasons.

I hope it rocks after the extended wait.

This makes sense. I believe that the "Give Me 'Ed" tour is to support "Visions of the Beast". (Or Visions was released so they'd have something to support on the "Give Me 'Ed" tour, take your pick)

They'd also want a month or so break between tours to practice the new show and all that kind of crap as well, I guess. I'm tipping a single mid July, album very late September to mid October, with 30 second teasers leading up to it (ala BNW & St Anger) to build hype.

I don't know about avoiding the Metallica album thing, but that could also concieveably be the case. A new Maiden album is usually pretty big news, but at the moment the Metallica juggernaut is devouring all in it's path when it comes to propmotion.
phlogiston i'd agree with you there mate, remember the metal 2000 tour earlier in the year then BNW was released n then there was the BNW tour? I was expecting a single a lot sooner than july i was thinkin within a month but i havent seen any news about it so i doubt that theory is true. Yer i've heard some snippets of REAL metallica songs off the new album (frantic and st. anger) and they're sounding good, but not traditional metallica good, its like how hardcore SHOULD sound :D

I was hoping a single would come out before the download festival but seeing as thats 2 weeks today i doubt it :D might get a sneak at some new material, this is donington they're playin after all ;)
You won't find anything new on Maiden's website
They're usually the last people to get the info