New All Shall Perish songs...amps??

Oh cool...thanks for the info dudes! Gonna check out your bands. I agree...POE sounded much more raw and not as polished. I like both a lot to be honest.

Reallllly?? I never would have guessed that. I'm guessing they didn't reamp??


Yeah that's what Chris and Ben both play on live now also. Live Chris is also running stereo w prophecy-vht and a Framus Dragon.
Ok. I think the new record has a bit more polished guitar tones due to the evolution fo the band also, which is less "crushing riffs" based, and more about the mood, and a shitload of lead guitars.

If i remember right the band was using Marshall amps live when touring for the first 2 albums. And for the 2 first albums i remember someone saying Zack Ohren used a Powerball and myabe something else (5150 ? Marshall ? DR ?).

Anyway i think a lot of their sound is due to heavy picking and not too much gain.
If I remember correctly, they used alot of Peavey Rockmaster on the first two albums.

When they get back in town I'll ask Chris.

Alot of the "polishedness" comes from Chris practicing like 12 hours a day, every day. I think Chris recorded 85% of all the guitars on the album.

He's in love with Rusty Cooly, which is why the prophecy setup.
Alot of the "polishedness" comes from Chris practicing like 12 hours a day, every day. I think Chris recorded 85% of all the guitars on the album.

Actually when i meant polishness, i was talking about rythm guitar sound, and meant more "smooth" sounding vs in your face /agressive (even if he's very tight and clear, brutal sound or not).

About the Rusty Cooley stuff i'm not a huge fan of it but i love what Chris has made with this influence, it adds a great flavour to the songs, like keyboards or let's say some samples would do for some other bands. And it's not only something "extra" in the songs, it's actually a big part of the songs. Without it the songs are like a strip girl that doesn't look hot.
The tone is mostly improved because of the weight gained by their lead guitarist, the little leprechaun guy. That guy fattened way the fuck up in the course of a few months!

huh? he's like 5' 6" and 110lbs.
huh? he's like 5' 6" and 110lbs.

July of 2006:


June of 2007:


Ha ha classic. He does look chubby in that pic. He is a small little guy. And he's looking alot more like pic 1 these days. That ibanez is almost as big as him.
Yeah, he must have ballooned during the UK tour or something.

I saw those guys in 2006 and he was a total douchebag when I tried to talk to him, and the band is pretty terrible anyways, so I've always been a bit bitter. Maybe I should forgive/forget? :lol:
Aw that sucks man. Chris is one of my best buddies, and definitly not one to be a dick or have an ego. He was probably too stoned. He has grown up alot the last couple years.

The guy has a work ethic second to none. But i'll tell him he's a fag for you. :lol: