New amplifier for Dave Mustaine

I was reading blabbermouth and then I came across this:
is gonna be so fantastic this year, because... I have a brand new amplifier that was just created for me, from Line 6, that I'm using. And nobody else in the world has it, and it's one of the most fantastic sounding things I have ever heard in the world. And Glen's [Drover] playing through the same amp too." (taken from here)
Uhm let's see if he will have a shitty tone, never liked any of the Line6 amps, always sounding fake.
I still miss the tone on Youthanasia!!! big and fat!!!
Max Norman was great!!!!
Line 6 Spider THREE! Featuring all new and improved "Insane" channel with even less dynamics and more digital fuzz!
gumplunger said:
Line 6 Spider THREE! Featuring all new and improved "Insane" channel with even less dynamics and more digital fuzz!

Dave Mustaine – Megadeth: We’re currently developing an amp with Megadeth guitarist and frontman Dave Mustaine. He was looking for a way to make a single amp that could do what his old previous amp-and-effects rig could do. This single amp has four of his favorite sounds, from clean to our insane high-gain sound, plus effects including delays that can spill over from patch to patch. This will all be built into a racked amp head that he can take on tour

From here.
I have had the Spider2, POD2.0, Flextone 2 HD, and the HD147......

all suxed but the was pretty nice, best tones Line6 has done fo sho!

But up against a 5150 or other high end amp(bogner...etc.) NO CHANCE!:Smokin:

I think Line6's biggest problem with trying to model 5150, Bogner, Diezel style amps is emulating the midrange chunk! Line6 just doesn't have that yet!:saint:
My friend has an HD147 and maybe it's the Marshall JCM800 cab not pairing well but I don't like the sound at all...
This will either be amazing or just plain shit. I vote for the latter, Dave did after all use the Rocktron Prophesy a couple of years ago and thats the shittest rack preamp ever. Seriously, my old V-Amp 2 sounded better.
SPLASTiK said:
My friend has an HD147 and maybe it's the Marshall JCM800 cab not pairing well but I don't like the sound at all...

it takes alot of time and a real good EAR to get the HD147 to sound decent.....

I've heard 3 other bands with the same amp when I had one.....and my settings blew there's away! And I was using V30's and emg81s....that helps!:cool:

Still Line6 needs to get that chunky 5150 mids before I would ever buy one again!