New Andy interview

Awesome, now I know I'm not as successful as he is simply because I don't have an ATM 250 DE :saint:
I know it's new, but I just feel like I've read almost that exact same interview before. Or at least gotten the same story about how he started working with Colin and climbed up the proverbial ladder.

Cool nonetheless!
Yeah they made a typo with the original title - hence the link change, its on the homepage anyway.

But yeah, nothing really spectacularly new here for the regulars.
Holy shit my old band Zonefly got a little mention there , I can't believe he remembered us ! Shit it can only be because we were a nightmare !:kickass:
What is you approach in the studio when it comes capturing guitar sounds?

I mainly use Celestion Vintage 30s in Boogie cabs, the standard size ones. I will find the best speaker in the cab, I’ll then place a Shure SM-57 slightly off-center and will add an Audio Technica ATM 250 DE the one with the condenser and dynamic in it. I will then mix that mic in with the SM-57. I’ve used a Heil PR30 a little recently also, but that’s the simple technique I use.

Gotta say im a bit bummed hes not doing the newest Megadeth. The Hell stuff is pretty cool. Im just concerned that Andy might be the quality control element that has made the last couple Megadeth records so good.