New Angra Album Cover and Tracklisting Revealed


Jun 27, 2004

i know a lot of the super tr00 death or black metal people out there think angra are gay, but i figured i'd post this for anyone who doesn't read blabbermouth excessively. the cover looks alright and the tracklisting is cool i guess, doesn't look too cheesy. i'm excited to hear some more crazy solos and badass songs since the temple of hate kicked ass.
lizard said:
False. :)

Hey guys click on the link in my to check out two new demos by ex dragonforce Adrian Lambert's new band
Yeah, I've been keeping with the whole SoS thing. I like where it's going.
lizard said:
My posts are almost exclusvely on Royal Carnage, here, and Kayo Dot, the finest experimental metal on the planet

Edit- jesus when I first started posting here there's been almost a 100 percent turnaround in regulars, xanex, will, Ct, chromie, DND, man, who else is still here woooo

As far as I can tell you have been this board's one constant...