New Angra


Feb 26, 2002
South Florida
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I am listening to the new Angra for the first time....

Pretty good stuff so far.. Some heavy stuff.. It's for sure there most "progressive" CD.. Some really heavy, tuned-down riffs.. really proggy... The ethinic music element is still present.. some straight-up power metal as well..
Probably the best Edu-Era disc...

For some reason I can't really enjoy his voice.. But the music is pretty good! Their best album since Holy Land for sure!
damn,the only Angra i have is holy land! i got my friend neal that post here to burn me the best disc (in his opinion) and obviosly he isnt the only that thinks so! digging this shit so far,i really enjoyed seeing kiko shred his ass off last year live!
They never topped the first two albums as far as I'm concerned but I'll still be checking this out. Not a great fan of "Falasquito" as he's known in Brazil. :p
I'm DYING to hear this. I will have a chance to listen to the new Rhapsody of Fire album for the first tonight tonight. I'm hearing its so Symphonic it almost sounds classical, which sounds pretty interesting. Hooorayy for power/speed metal season! :)
Angrafan said:
I am with you.. but we are the minority here ;)
Nah, I think overall there are still more people who prefer the old school Angra to the new. I was very resistant to the new lineup myself, but I must say they rock. Still not the classic Angra I got hooked on first, but good none the less.
OdinsCourt said:
Nah, I think overall there are still more people who prefer the old school Angra to the new. I was very resistant to the new lineup myself, but I must say they rock. Still not the classic Angra I got hooked on first, but good none the less.
Though there are musical differences, I think with Angra you prefer, probably comes down to which vocal style you prefer. For what it's worth, I'll take Edu.

General Zod said:
Though there are musical differences, I think with Angra you prefer, probably comes down to which vocal style you prefer. For what it's worth, I'll take Edu.

I'm listening the album now, IS EXCELLENT.
A metal prog. album, with all the things we like about the genre, but more heavy/power and with some brazilian elements.

Edu's voice is more mature, I really like it, and the instrumental parts are even more complex than ToS.

Great CD, thanks for this Angra! :D

PD: In my opinion the new Angra is really better than the old one..but I love both, they are totally different!
I just heard the album and I have to disagree. Scream Your Heart out and Passing By were good, but overall this album reminds me way too much of what was wrong with Fireworks. Edu sounds like he has a runny nose and the songs seem over-rehearsed to an extent, oh well.
Braxil said:
I just heard the album and I have to disagree. Scream Your Heart out and Passing By were good, but overall this album reminds me way too much of what was wrong with Fireworks. Edu sounds like he has a runny nose and the songs seem over-rehearsed to an extent, oh well.

I agree.. It does sound a bit forced on the progressive parts.. But I still think this is better than anything they've done since Matos & cia. left :)
Biased or not, here's my 2 cents...

It's a little bit heavier (not really as much as they hyped), more progressive but it's still Angra. Some pretty modern elements incorporated in it, and a lack of ethnic ones (which is a shame). However.... It still deserves a very high rating from me. Edu's vocals are more on his mid register, so the criticizing of his live performances should stop. If anyone likes Angra, get it. To the ones who don't, get it too. It's different. Trust me.
Braxil said:
overall this album reminds me way too much of what was wrong with Fireworks. Edu sounds like he has a runny nose

The things that make us laugh....

Are you sure you're listening to the right album?
I'm a fan of Angra. Started with the 'Carry On' video and became crazy with the band.

I love all Matos era albums being my favorite one "Holy Land", up to this day I still believe (and this is my personal opinion) is their best album. And I was really sad after they split because also "Fireworks" is a great slab.

So when Angra came with "Rebirth" and Shaaman with "Ritual" I was in a sense happy to win two bands out of the divorce. I like the way Angra was becoming more power and less prog and I like Shaaman more melodic prog metal than power.

Sadly their next albums dissapointed me a lot, "Temple Of Shadows" is kind of boring and I rescue mostly 'Late Redemption' in which I believe the Portuguese verses by Milton Nascimento enriches the texture of the song to high levels of melody and progresiveness. Shaaman's "Reason" is just also boring and kind of weird and the best song is actually a cover form Sisters Of Mercy ('More' ).

So now focusing on "Aurora Consurgens" I must say I'm pretty pleased since is a very fast and heavy album. And even if most probably it can't be considered a masterpiece of originality or a breakthtough album it definitively has PUNCH and that is enough for me. Lately Firewind, Wuthering Heights and Tyr had done the same and all those albums are going to be high on my 2006 list because of it, I was missing that "angry energy" in some power metal albums.

I'll have to spin it more when my copy finally arrives but judging from the pre-listening Angra can safely bet on this one to keep their career on top (and if you don't belive me check 'Breaking Ties' at 3:44 and awe to the magic).
Angrafan said:
I am listening to the new Angra for the first time....

Pretty good stuff so far.. Some heavy stuff.. It's for sure there most "progressive" CD.. Some really heavy, tuned-down riffs.. really proggy... The ethinic music element is still present.. some straight-up power metal as well..
Probably the best Edu-Era disc...

For some reason I can't really enjoy his voice.. But the music is pretty good! Their best album since Holy Land for sure!

Hey I just got the new angra album as well. Yes the album is very heavy in some songs and i agree it is very progressive. I might get some crap for this but I like Edu's voice by far better then Matos though he was also good but judging from the Angra dvd and Shaman dvd i think live Edu has more charisma then Mato's and a better voice! I especially like how Edu can do different vocal ranges then what he does with Angra on his solo album " Almah". "Almah" is alot different then what Edu does with Angra and might not be the heaviest material in the world but i find it very catchy and different and i even say that "almah" is better then holy land. I agree better then "Holy land" but then again "holy land" is my least favorite. i only liked 4 songs from holy land . my fav album is actually "rebirth".
A few solid tunes but overall Im not really impressed that much.

Sadly this one will go on the backburner for me as theres just way to many better CD's out now IMO.

New Evergrace, Vicious Rumors, and Dionysus are slaying me!