New Angra

Dominick_7 said:
My favorites are the first two, and all old line up..but Temple of Shadows and Rebirth I thought were really good..but they do not beat the old line up cds.

I think Rebirth and ToS beat the heck out of Fireworks. :)

For the record, I love all Angra anyway. Its all good and like Blind Guardian, they progress with each album and never make the same exact album twice but still remain true to what their style and sound is. Both bands are the best bands in power metal today, IMO.
Iced Ray said:
I think Rebirth and ToS beat the heck out of Fireworks. :)

For the record, I love all Angra anyway. Its all good and like Blind Guardian, they progress with each album and never make the same exact album twice but still remain true to what their style and sound is. Both bands are the best bands in power metal today, IMO.

I happen to think Blind Guardian has done the progressing business a lot more successfully than Angra, but I guess they have less lineup changes to worry about too, I'm surprised Angra even carried on (no pun intended) after 2000 at all. As mediocre as I find the new album, yeah, I guess they deserve some credit for not copying themselves.
My 2 cents...Like the new album. Maybe I'm in the minority here but personally I like TOS better. Edu's voice is definitely more subdued on the new one. Overall I think the writing on TOS is amazing. To me it has a lot more finesse. AC is very straight forward.