New Anthrax Single!


OK, not really, but a man can dream, right?

This is going to go into my portfolio for my Friday class, and will help determine my final grade for the semester. so congrats, Anthrax! You are now going to help determine my grade and future artistic career! :D
ontherocks82 said:
Neat drawing however I officially want to kick your ass for getting me all excited.

I was going to be a commercial artist after I graduated. But I didnt like the idea of a teacher telling me what was considered "art" and what was considered "crap." The [rpfessor at the college I WAS going to attend was a transendentalist, and totally about abstract art. I didnt like it, so I never went. Seeing that makes me wish I did......

btw ontherocks, I really like your signature.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
I was going to be a commercial artist after I graduated. But I didnt like the idea of a teacher telling me what was considered "art" and what was considered "crap." The [rpfessor at the college I WAS going to attend was a transendentalist, and totally about abstract art. I didnt like it, so I never went. Seeing that makes me wish I did......

btw ontherocks, I really like your signature.

I think that, sometimes, you are hard-pressed to find a college art-teacher who isn't obsessed with some form of modern art. IT could be worst; He could be one of these damn hipsters who peform modern Da-Da-ism without admiting it. God I hate them.

I'm in commerical art school right now, and all my teachers are working professionals in their field. So when I go to an Illustration class, the guy teaching me actually does Freelance Illustration work. Best way to do it, if you ask me. The people in charge of the portfolio class are former art directors, so that really helps.

Also, I'm glad so many people dig it! Now if only Anthrax recorded this song live and a few others for a single....