New Ashton Butcher Mix - almost finished. SSD + Le456 + 4Front


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
Hey guys, posting another mix in here that i am about 95% done with. Currently mixing with desktop speakers, so i cannot really interpret the audio for what it truly is, and that's where i would like your help.

Here's the mix Music/Necropalypse.mp3

The vocalist is also saying that he finds the high pitched vocals to sound "unnatural" when compared to the lower vocals. all i did was just some eq, comp, and a tubescreamer vst (only on the highs, to add some mids and tame the scratchy highs). thoughts?

Bass is to boomy butt it fit on some parts,give it some high end.As for high vocal,they are just lower in mix,bring them up for few db.
  • Bass needs more clarity
  • Vocals eirther have a bit more compression than they should (including AR settings that effect this), or they seem so because of the guitars beeing a bit lower than anticipated. I have to warn you though bringing the volume up on quitars will effect their sonic ballance thus their eq must be revised a bit if it feels it should.

For desctop speakers this is not bad, not bad at all !
Hahahahahaa that fuckin breakdown at the end!

Mix sounds pretty boss for shitty speakers and amp sims - the kick is pumping a bit too much. Do you have headphones to check the bass?
thanks for the words so far guys, i've taken what you said and done some application to the new link i posted, it is going to be released sunday evening, and i think it is finished for the most part.