New Ballistic singer......

Harry(not the Tyrant) said: Harry the Tyrant!I've read that on But no worries,he still is the Jag Panzer vocalist.

Yeah, I read that too, at :

"09.02.2004: Conklin zu Ballistic
Der bisherige BALLISTIC-Sänger Tom Gattis wird sich zukünftig ausschließlich auf seine Gitarre konzentrieren, da er wegen schwerer, chronischer Kopfschmerzen nicht mehr in ein Mikro shouten möchte. Als seinen Nachfolger arbeitet er zurzeit JAG PANZER-Frontmann Harry Conklin ein."

Looks like Ballistic is slowly becoming a Jag Panzer branch office with Rikard and Harry. Now let's hope that Tom Gattis writes some killer tunes (Wardog style) for the Tyrant to sing, because I don't like the Ballistic debut album at all. Ah, what the heck, I'll buy the next album anyway. Harry, The Tyrant, can't do wrong!
IOfTheStorm said:
i mean that Tyrant could find a better band to sing except the mighty Panzer

Of course he could, but I meant that Harry will make every song sound good (even the four Dissident Alliance tracks on Decade sound awesome now). Maybe Tom will let Harry write the vocal melodies for the next Ballistic album :)
I like the Ballistic debut album, even if it's not really a first album from Gattis. The songs have a lot of hooks, killer lead guitars, plenty of agression!But I find it strange to have Tyrant in the band, his vocal style is so different!
I went nuts when I heard the Ballistic debut. All I could think was, "I bet Harry would KILL in this band"...

What can I say, a dream come true :)