New Beer's Resolutions


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
i don't normally make these, but there are several things i'd like to accomplish next year:

lose 20 lbs. (before it's too late)
minimize drinking a bit more (did pretty well this year)
find a chick or 7 (unless this current thing works out)
make a serious effort at finding a new state/country to live in (parenthetical thought)

i think that's about it.
once I was NAD said:
i don't normally make these, but there are several things i'd like to accomplish next year:

lose 20 lbs. (before it's too late)
minimize drinking a bit more (did pretty well this year)
find a chick or 7 (unless this current thing works out)
make a serious effort at finding a new state/country to live in (parenthetical thought)

i think that's about it.

i want the same things as you ... really ... except the minimize drinking part, I can handle more liqour.

let's elope :tickled:
1. Get this job I was interviewed for last week
2. Keep it
3. Buy lots of cds for the money I earn from said job