New Beginnings...

So I'm moving in soon with one of my best friends(Andrea) and I'm excited about it. I think it's going to be a really good thing, but you never really know a person until you live with them.

I've really been going back and forth about moving somewhere out of state. I think I might try out living with Andrea for a while. Give it a year tops, if it doesn't work out I might think about hitting the road and starting a new life in a new place. I've lived in Seattle before and that's definately on my list.
Any other suggestions?
Jen, I thought a while ago you were counting the days to move to Seattle?
Have I missed something? :lol: I think so haha!

Well, you know me, I'm all for trying out new places ALL THE TIME.
It's great for you to be able to do that. I actually admire people who "try"
instead of staying in their own little 10 mile square all their lives...
good luck sweety :)
Jen, I thought a while ago you were counting the days to move to Seattle?
Have I missed something? :lol: I think so haha!

Well, you know me, I'm all for trying out new places ALL THE TIME.
It's great for you to be able to do that. I actually admire people who "try"
instead of staying in their own little 10 mile square all their lives...
good luck sweety :)

Yes I was supposed to move to Seattle months ago. I got pretty sick and decided to stay here for a while. And when I was in Seattle in January I decided that I wanted to probably keep Seattle my favorite place to visit, although I'm a complete basketcase lately and miss Seattle every day. So I don't really know anymore. Some things have happened over the past year or two that have made me question everything, maybe I'm just a gypsy. Maybe I should live in a different place every year.
I moved in with one of my friends for a while once. It was fun, but we couldn't pay the bills. the sad thing was that we were still enrolled in high school, and it lasted for 2 months.
move to wyoming...

LOL kidding, don't. I honestly couldn't give you any advice on were to move, i havn't been anywere else but san diego and vegas. but cali is an expensive place to live, vegas was cool though.
california is awesome, but the central valley sucks. Davis is pretty much the nicest town in the valley, but i still wouldnt really recommend it. out by the coast in Sonoma County where i grew up is really nice although Santa Rosa is always growing and its kinda expensive. but anythings gotta be better than flatland snow and cheeseheads. (california cheese rools you btw)

edit: oh yeah im talking about Northern California. fuck socal.