New Blind Melon tunes


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I will be the first to admit that I am a huge Blind Melon fan since my college days many moons ago. I never thought they would be able to replace Shannon after all these years, but.....


The tone and sound of the band has remained the exact same.

I really like the new tunes, especially "For My Friends."

*Warning, if you have no tolerance for the hippie/jam style of bands...keep moving..nothing here for you to see...
Hey Glenn -

Did you ever hear the release from the band Unified Theory? That was the group that the guitarist and bassist from Blind Melon formed after Hoon's death. If you haven't heard it, do yourself a favor and track it was nothing short of awesome, possibly better than anything Blind Melon had done, IMO. They had a very Shannon Hoon-like singer named Chris was great stuff. It's a shame they dissolved after only one album.

Blind Melon was a great band. It's a shame that everybody associates them with a single, over-played MTV video/song. If "Soup" was any indication, they were only going to keep getting better.
I will be the first to admit that I am a huge Blind Melon fan since my college days many moons ago. I never thought they would be able to replace Shannon after all these years, but.....


The tone and sound of the band has remained the exact same.

I really like the new tunes, especially "For My Friends."

*Warning, if you have no tolerance for the hippie/jam style of bands...keep moving..nothing here for you to see...

I didn't realize they were still together doing anything. I'll have to check it out.

I admit to being a Gin Blossoms fan since my college days from the mid to late 90s! :)
Hey Glenn -

Did you ever hear the release from the band Unified Theory? That was the group that the guitarist and bassist from Blind Melon formed after Hoon's death. If you haven't heard it, do yourself a favor and track it was nothing short of awesome, possibly better than anything Blind Melon had done, IMO. They had a very Shannon Hoon-like singer named Chris was great stuff. It's a shame they dissolved after only one album.

Blind Melon was a great band. It's a shame that everybody associates them with a single, over-played MTV video/song. If "Soup" was any indication, they were only going to keep getting better.

I was also a Soup fan. Toes Against the Floor got mucho playtime in my stereo.

Mitch - Any way that you could get me samples or a cdr of that album? crazy kid...heehee...

Only you would have to cojones to open up a Blind Melon thread...just priceless...

Alright...not a Melon fan, but it does open up a certain tangent. I'm thinking of the fact that I catch shit for having 70s granola-style Neil Diamond, Melissa Etheridge, and (shudder) Bruce Willis CDs (in both my vinyl and CD collections)...

I love the fact that all metalheads have their embarassing non-metal picks that they swear's what shaped our formative years, I guess...

I've even got one buddy that whigs-out to Bread and the Carpenters in his most mellow of moments...hmm...

Rock on!
I never forgave them for Hoon's interview where he said that Dream Theater represents everything that is bad about music and how terrible they were.

[ insert pause for BenMech to come in and be a smartass]

Screw hippie jam bands.
I think this is a veiled admission of man on man love, I think. Isn't that the only way someone would listen to Blind Melon and admit it? What's next; poppers at ProgPower? Rusty trombones with each gold badge?

Ah, I'm just teasin', ya little Nancy Boy. Don't cry. :)
Well I listened to the first min. or so of Make A difference and didnt really care for it, and so far this second song isnt much better. I was a pretty big fan of the old stuff, but it was mainly for Shannon. This guys voice just doesnt do it for me.
I love the fact that all metalheads have their embarassing non-metal picks that they swear's what shaped our formative years, I guess...

I've even got one buddy that whigs-out to Bread and the Carpenters in his most mellow of moments...hmm...

Rock on![/QUOTE]

This brings up an interesting thought. Maybe someone should start a thread admitting the most shameful artists they like and have in their music collections. I think that would be interesting and funny.

I liked Blind Melon. I've listened to all their stuff via my X. Who was from Columbus MS. She went to highschool with the guitar player. And used to tell me the story of how she saw them at the Wal-Mart when they decided to leave LA and come back to MS to record.
Of course Shannon had a great high tenor voice, so he was right up my alley.
I now have something - else - to blackmail Sean with. Just don't bring up my Yanni CD. You KNOW you have balls of metal when you can admit to having Yanni in your CD collection. CLANG!