New Borknagar


Infernal Garden Gnome
Oct 14, 2001
Just back from the shop and I must say that what I've heard so far is great. It's got symphonic bits, fast bits, and great atmospheric bits ala Quintessence. Must say that I'm more impressed with this album on the first listen than some of their past stuff.

Definitely an album worth buying :)
The official release date was October 22nd, but for some reason all the shops over here in Stavanger (Norway) have had it since monday :)

Maybe a messup in distribution or something :p
I head this 'Genuine Pulse' thingy... I was rather disappointed, hopefully the other songs are better. This song doesn't have the Borknagar feeling, it's simply a mix of juxtaposed melodies...

D Mullholand
NP: Endraum - Zeitenlicht
I listened to genuine pulse too and it sounded like some generic black metal band playing for about a minute, then vintersorg singing for a little bit, then some more generic black metal. It did not go well together. Nothing close to the quality of tracks like oceans rise or presence is ominous.