New Born of Thorns tunes online!


Band Member

Even though this forum has been dead for centuries, I'll copy paste the statement about our latest mp3 release here as well. With some luck, maybe this could reach some people new to the band / music.

4th March 2009:
Hey folks!

Since it was ages ago that we put out any aural material, we thought that it would be justifiable to let you hear some tunes we've been working on for quite some time already. Consequently, we give you three tracks from our recording sessions of the past years as mp3.

Born of Thorns

And you can find the new tracks from following locations:

With some luck, maybe this could reach some people new to the band / music.
I should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off. :lol: