New british triple guitar classic metal band

Good sounding stuff man. I downloaded both your Lightning..EP and the live show. I tried getting the old demo and other material but they don't appear to be available any longer. Is there any way to get those from you?

The Judas Priest and Iron Maiden influence is evident. It's great to hear someone still making this type of metal. It just doesn't seem to happen enough these days. What's even more shocking is that from the pic on your site it appears you guys are fairly young, not an old bastard such as myself..heh heh. That's so cool.
You all have captured the classic heavy metal sound and breathed it new life.
Keep up the good work.
By the way......where exactly are you located?
Thanks for you're interest :)

We're located in guildford, a town in south east england. I think the old demo was taken down but you're really not missing much, it was recorded through one mic in the middle of our practise room :)

Cheers for listening