New Candlemass Leaked

No, though I did hear it was leaked.
In all honesty, I didn't know that Rob had already layed down the vox yet!!!
I don't think it is expected to hit the stores until June.
I am not big on downloading leaked CDs, as I am always weary of the source (IE - fear of viruses, etc). I will probably wait until it is released. It is a definite purchase for sure!

In other doom news, I heard the new Trouble and it frickin' rocks hard!
I talked to Rob Lowe briefly on Saturday night, and I'm mad that I forgot to ask him something about Candlemass. :mad:

Well, I bet he isn't, considering he was at the fest to promote Solitude, and not Candlemass......
(Though I guess a little networking would have been nice... "So Rob, will CANDLEMASS be touring next year? Specifically, will you guys be able to be in the Chicagoland area April 2008?" :lol:)
I was mainly planning to simply mention give him more of a sense that I actually knew who he was.

I wanted to avoid being all "OMG CANDLEMASS" just like I avoided "OMG I LOVE YOU" :p

Indeed. We did a good job of avoiding doing that when talking to him, and we definitely avoided the latter when talking to John Perez too. :headbang:
When I got to talk to Robert Lowe I did a weird thing where I was standing at some point between the door and the stage where I was just too hot for wearing both my SA shirt and the Candlemass shirt under it, so I had been standing "in line" to shake his hand and say "Hi!" wearing my new SA shirt, and walked away to throw away my water bottle or something, and pulled it off and had my Candlemass shirt on under it and he was like "Hey hey! *points at Candlemass, then SA shirt in hand*"

I actually was kinda afraid he'd think I was some kinda freaky loser kid. :ill: :lol:

On topic, when it comes to albums I'm REALLY excited about I tend to get torn about whether I wanna cheat and check out the leaked version, or wait until I can buy it and get the sentimental value of "zomg i savd my munnies and went and buyd it al by myzelfs an it iz amazin!" So I'll probably mull over downloading this until it gets closer to release and just end up buying it over convenience anyways.
blind purchase all the way for me... although, like the new Morgana Lefay, if I have a hard time getting it, I'll probably download it first.
Rob told me he can't believe he's in Candlemass. He also recorded all of the vocals in 4 days.

Damn!!! 4 days!??!!?? He must have nailed all the tracks in one or two takes.
That actually concerns me a bit.
Either he is an AMAZING studio vocalist, or the quality will suffer a bit.

I have loved all the SA studio stuff I have heard, so I will be positive and say that he is just THAT good!:kickass: