New Candlemass


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Anyone get this yet?
It is fuckin' brilliant!!!!
Robert Lowe does an amazing job.
Musically, I think it sounds more like the older albums.
A lot more epic sounding than the previous S/T, which was great, but took much more of a straight forward approach.

Also, the bonus tracks of Lowe doing "Solitude" and "At The Gallows End" are killer.

I liked the S/T album a lot actually.
I guess the only complaint I can see about it is that it is the most "accessible" of the Candlemass albums
(Though I guess its a matter of opinion if that is a bad thing or not).

I am very curious to see how the band follows through for promoting this album. I haven't heard anything about a full scale tour, aside from some festival appearances.
I heard one new song on a compilation from Nuclear Blast I got this weekend. It was OK, nothing outstanding. It was on that 20 years of Nuclear Blast double CD. Cool idea but the disc was just OK. Basically it was a guy from Rage writting all these different songs and each song was sung by a different singer from the Nuclear Blast family. Tobias from Edguy, Tarja from Nightwish, Hansi from Blind Guardian and Andy Deris from Helloween and so on. The songs were just OK. I guess they have a second volume coming out late with all the heavier and death metal stuff they put out.
I have not picked it up yet, but being a huge Candlemass fan (as I'm sure you've noticed from the fact that I happen to wear my Candlemass shirt everywhere) it's next on my list of "BUY, DO NOT DOWNLOAD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES."

Not that I download.

I was pretty bummed, because the Best Buy where I bought the new KD album (Not the one by Golf Mill) had Candlemass's s/t, but not the new album... and a billion copies of the new KD album. :(

Edit: And the second I saw that Robert Lowe would be doing a (cover? re-recording? Whatever.) of "Solitude" and "At the Gallows End" I knew I was going to fork out as much cash as they wanted me to for that special edition!!! Two of my favorite Candlemass tracks for sure.
I don't think the new Candlemass officially comes out in the states until Mid-July.

Always check first, as they will tell you the release date as well.

I got it at Impulse Music in Roselle.
They always get the Mexican pressings on Scarecrow Records (who releases albums under license from the big metal labels.)

Last year, I had many of the big releases about 3 to 6 months before they were released domestically.