
Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, the band led by brothers and founding SEPULTURA members Max (also of SOULFLY) and Igor Cavalera, recently completed work on its its fourth album at a studio in Phoenix, Arizona. The disc, which was produced by longtime friend Arthur Rizk, will tentatively be released in October via Napalm Records. Speaking to Australia's The Rockpit, Max stated about the follow-up to 2014's "Pandemonium": "It's a beast of a record. I think it's got a really cool mix of death and thrash metal. It's a really well-put-together album and we have Justin [Broadrick] from GODFLESH singing on one song. "I put it neck to neck with anything we did in the past — by far my favorite of all the CAVALERA albums," he continued. "I think it's going to surprise a lot of people. I think we did a great job on the production. Igor's drums sound huge. The guitar sounds super crispy, super catchy and crunchy. Our friend Arthur Rizk, he produced the last POWER TRIP record and INQUISITION album, so he's kind of an underground up-and-coming producer, he was really excited and motivated to work with us, and I really think he got some stuff out of me and Igor that wouldn't come out normally. He managed to get it out of us. That was great, so I'm very excited for people to hear it." Regarding the songwriting process for the new CAVALERA CONSPIRACY album, Max said: "I started with riffs. I worked for two months only on the riffs, and I went crazy writing riffs all day long. [Then] we separated the best riffs out of those two months and out of those riffs, we could make the best songs from it. Then once the music was all done, it was time to work on the vocals. We worked very closely on the vocals, and it was cool because he was showing me a way of singing that I haven't sung since [SEPULTURA's] 'Morbid Visions'. He would play pieces of 'Morbid Visions' for me and would say, 'What do you think when you sung that?' I was, like, 'I wasn't thinking.' 'Do the same with this song — just don't think about it.' I would do something crazy, and it was fantastic. It was kind of a liberating experience when you have that no-hope-no-fear-type feeling you know? So we just went for it. We have an instrumental song that's amazing, we have the GODFLESH song and great thrash songs like 'Impalement Execution' and 'Judas Pariah'. I think people will really love this one." Igor told last month that it was "good" for him and Max to have Rizk involved with the new CAVALERA CONSPIRACY album because Arthur "is super passionate about music, the same way we are. So to have someone like him coming in and helping us with ideas and things like that, I think it's gonna surprise a lot of people, 'cause he understands a lot about what's going on today in music, and that's pretty cool — that exchange with us, with the old-school ideas with also someone that understands music right now. I'm far more excited than I've been in many years to put out a record like this. So I have to say I'm quite into it, what we're doing right now." Max concurred, telling "[Arthur] captured the classic Max and Igor in a way that's never really quite been captured before. It was always his objective from the beginning — he wanted to capture the soul of the brothers, and I think he did. I think it's quite amazing, looking back, that somebody can get that out of you after twenty-five years, man. That's awesome. But, like Igor said, there's a lot of noise also — between songs we're gonna hear all this kind of crazy just pure noise and heaviness, which is unheard of. So I'm very excited." "Pandemonium" sold around 2,600 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 177 on The Billboard 200 chart. CAVALERA CONSPIRACY's previous CD, 2011's "Blunt Force Trauma" opened with around 5,000 units to land at No. 122. The band's first CD, 2008's "Inflikted", registered a first-week tally of 9,000 copies to enter the chart at No. 72. "Pandemonium" was produced by John Gray, who has previously worked with SOULFLY. Max and Igor have spent the last year celebrating the twentieth anniversary of SEPULTURA's classic album "Roots" by performing the LP in its entirety.

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