I've been on this site for a few years now, reading and learning, but hardly ever posting. I dug up a tracking session I did about a year ago from one of my friend's grind bands, and decided to make some samples out of the snare. Recording chain is noted below. Blended the top/bottom/OH.
It's entitled GB Snare A (my initials). Figured I'd give back to the Sneapster community, with you guys being the first to hear and try.
I'm offering this snare sample pack for a very affordable price at $2. Might do some more snares in the future, depending on how well you guys dig it.
I set up a bigcartel here (all samples + TCI): GAB Recordings.
Freebie (hardest sample hit): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1261919/GB SNARE A - 22.wav. Here's an alternate link http://www.mediafire.com/?ze5kpp5kdkkf75h. Test it out
Also quickly constructed programmed midi examples.
Clips (drums only):
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1261919/GB SNARE A_MIDI DRUM EXAMPLE.mp3
EDIT: Here's a Rock example, much slower and a little more dynamic in the snare programming: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1261919/GB SNARE A_MIDI DRUM EXAMPLE 2 ROCK.mp3
Tried to emphasize the snare through different patterns and snare fills. For the most part, I've been using it out on quicker fast-paced material (grind, black metal, fast hardcore punk stuff etc.), but I believe this'll be a fitting snare for most purposes. Great, if you're looking for more of a ringy/cracky snare. At the very least, I believe this one will be great for blending!
Everything else in this clip is not my own. Toms/Cymbals are Superior Metal Foundry. Kick is a blend between Kick 17 from Slate and Big Rock Kick from a fellow Sneapster. The only processing on the snare in this clip is about 3 dB of compression, nothing else.
The whole pack is 22 files, being numbered 1-22. They aren't labeled with soft/medium/hard, so the 22 is the hardest and 1 is the softest! I'm including a .TCI file with the 22 hits as well. Sorry, I don't have Drumagog guys but you can make gogs with the wavs. Also included is a Read Me text file with the following information:
Drum: Orange County 6x14 Black Burst Maple Snare
Top: Heil PR 30B
Bottom: Shure SM57
OH: Little Blondie Stereo Pair
All signals are recorded at 24 bits / 44.1 khz in .WAV format.
Top, Bottom, and Oh are blended together in all samples.
Top and Bottom sent through a Neve Portico 5012 Dual Mic Pre.
OH mics sent straight to my interface's pres; Saffire Pro 40.
You may not sell or share these samples separately or together as your own.
You may use these samples within any music/audio/video production.
Feel free to shoot any questions my way.
It's entitled GB Snare A (my initials). Figured I'd give back to the Sneapster community, with you guys being the first to hear and try.
I'm offering this snare sample pack for a very affordable price at $2. Might do some more snares in the future, depending on how well you guys dig it.
I set up a bigcartel here (all samples + TCI): GAB Recordings.
Freebie (hardest sample hit): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1261919/GB SNARE A - 22.wav. Here's an alternate link http://www.mediafire.com/?ze5kpp5kdkkf75h. Test it out

Also quickly constructed programmed midi examples.
Clips (drums only):
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1261919/GB SNARE A_MIDI DRUM EXAMPLE.mp3
EDIT: Here's a Rock example, much slower and a little more dynamic in the snare programming: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1261919/GB SNARE A_MIDI DRUM EXAMPLE 2 ROCK.mp3
Tried to emphasize the snare through different patterns and snare fills. For the most part, I've been using it out on quicker fast-paced material (grind, black metal, fast hardcore punk stuff etc.), but I believe this'll be a fitting snare for most purposes. Great, if you're looking for more of a ringy/cracky snare. At the very least, I believe this one will be great for blending!
Everything else in this clip is not my own. Toms/Cymbals are Superior Metal Foundry. Kick is a blend between Kick 17 from Slate and Big Rock Kick from a fellow Sneapster. The only processing on the snare in this clip is about 3 dB of compression, nothing else.
The whole pack is 22 files, being numbered 1-22. They aren't labeled with soft/medium/hard, so the 22 is the hardest and 1 is the softest! I'm including a .TCI file with the 22 hits as well. Sorry, I don't have Drumagog guys but you can make gogs with the wavs. Also included is a Read Me text file with the following information:
Drum: Orange County 6x14 Black Burst Maple Snare
Top: Heil PR 30B
Bottom: Shure SM57
OH: Little Blondie Stereo Pair
All signals are recorded at 24 bits / 44.1 khz in .WAV format.
Top, Bottom, and Oh are blended together in all samples.
Top and Bottom sent through a Neve Portico 5012 Dual Mic Pre.
OH mics sent straight to my interface's pres; Saffire Pro 40.
You may not sell or share these samples separately or together as your own.
You may use these samples within any music/audio/video production.
Feel free to shoot any questions my way.