The Nightmare Has Begun..
The wait is almost over!!
NIGHTMARE RECORDS is proud to announce, the release of the new CLOUDSCAPE " Global Drama" August 19th, 2008.

Cloudscape have inked a new deal with record label GOLDEN CORE / ROASTINGHOUSE RECORDS (ZYX) to release the new (third) album entitled “Global Drama” in Europe during mid August, as well. “Global Drama” will also be released in the U.S and Canada through NIGHTMARE RECORDS in August.

An 8 minute sample containing parts from all songs from Global Drama have been uploaded at Take a moment and check out what the band has in store for you this time.

For magazines, webzines, TV and radio stations who wants to get in touch with Cloudscape for interview requests, promos and so forth ´please contact or contact the staff at Golden Core (

A new promotional video will also be filmed within the next coming months directed by Rainer Holmgren.
can't wait for this new masterpiece...Crimson Skies was so amazing ! the previews sound really really great so I'm even more excited about this album. Mike Andersson has such a nice voice and the solos always transcend me.