New "Country Metal" Band - The Undefiled


New Metal Member
Feb 11, 2012
Hey everyone, after much hard work my band just released its first single on iTunes. We call our genre "country metal", but don't hate us just yet, there's mostly metal/rock here, haha. :Smokedev:

Check out our lyric video below, we're really looking for some feedback from true metalheads. I recorded the rhythm guitar and vocals, btw. Thanks!

The Undefiled - Maggie Rita
Not bad at all. Love the delivery and punchiness of the tone. I am no expert but I found the harmony of the "chorus" kind of out of place. It sounds good but I would have preferred a meaner punch. Anyways, very original and very likable. I wish you great success. Keep on rockin'

Thanks for the comment Jim, very encouraging! I'm definitely no expert in harmony but I did what I could - don't know how some of those singers do it. :worship: And I admit we're going more towards a mainstream sound - I've done some more aggressive metal stuff and there's so much out there no one seems to care. Gotta mix it up a bit I guess. Thanks again for listening, I really appreciate it man!