New Cradle of Filth.. thoughts?


Jan 11, 2006
Anybody listen to it yet? Thoughts?

Something about it seems different. Not sure what yet. Think I'll have to listen to some of their older stuff to compare again. Not saying if its better or worse. I don't know.
I like the new album, even though it does sound a bit different. Dani seems to have scratched his high pitched vocals some. Overall though, I think it kicks ass :kickass:
I like it quite a bit. It's becoming clearer that Cradle are backing away from being "extreme" and moving more towards a standard heavy metal sound with Dani's vocals over the top - and even those are relatively tame this time around. The Dusk shrieking days seem to be over. The guitars are more active - more notes per theme ratio - and some of the tracks are downright catchy. The production is also a bit slicker than Nymphetamine, which was a little too preoccupied with heavy low end and sacrificed overall clarity. I also like the artwork here better than Nymphetamine's artwork. Overall, I don't think their new-era albums will match Damnation and a Day, and those hoping for a return to the glory days of Dusk won't have any interest here either. The style is less evil than ever but they remain genuinely talented and lyrically poetic/baffling. After half a dozen listens or so, my verdict comes up positive. Despite their high-visiblity, Cradle remains a band that hasn't been ripped off or copied much. For the vampire metal, there's really no place else to go.

"Temptation" is a cover song.
Speaking of vampire stuff, I understand that CoF will be touring the US, with Finland's The 69 Eyes opening. THAT's a vampiric bill. :heh:

I'm still grokking the CD in its fullness, BTW.