New Dantesco Site

We are not considered a doom band. In fact, this two songs that are being played in the page are not. In our cd there are 5/11 of songs that are doom in some way or another. When we played in this years DOOM SHALL RISE in Germany we added 3 new songs to complete our doom set. The rest of our music goes from True Metal ( our performance in the KEEP IT TRUE FESTIVAL ), prog and classical(acoustic mainly) passages and, well a mixture of tricky to play music that have influenced us through time ( for the last 30years or so ).

Yes, I know it is in spanish but wtf, music is an universal language, and if you do not understand the lirics, just think of the voice as another musical instrument. Then enjoy. That is what we used to do when we were kids and could not dig Bruce Dickinson's lines or Dio's lines.

Anyways, thanks for taking your precious time to check us out.

Take care!!!